Chapter 24

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~ I'll throw my voice into stars and maybe the echo of my words will be written for you, in the clouds by sunrise. All I am trying to say is: I will love you through the darkness.

My jaw literally hit the floor once I saw those green eyes that I missed so much.

"Harry." I whispered, afraid that it was my lack of sleep imagining him standing right in front of me. He smiled and nodded yes, confirming he was actually here, in Paris. At my home. Immediately I lunged at him, right in to his tattooed arms. His arms wrapped around my small frame, and I was savoring every second of this moment, of him.

"I've missed you so much Bel. I just had to come and surprise you." Harry said, though it came out muffled since his mouth was on my hair.

"Well I'm glad you did." I said holding him tighter to me. And now it made sense on why he hadn't called in the past few days. Well it was worth it, now that I have him in my arms.

"Hey let's sit down love." Harry said, we didn't leave each other's arms but we walked to my couch.

Suddenly all my sleep had vanished, and I just wanted to talk to Harry all day and night, just listening to his slow deep accent, and the way that his lips moved. Or when he'd catch his bottom lip between his fingers, making me want to kiss him.

Kiss him? Yes, I want to kiss him so badly right now.

So you know what? I did just that. I leaned over him and pulled him by the neck to crash his lips against mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync like we never miss a beat. Breathing wasn't even on my mind right now, just Harry. He pulled me closer so that I was straddling him, his large hands holding my face in place.

Even though we were already close, I wanted to be even closer to him.

After seconds and seconds the need to breathe was getting stronger. I pecked his lips a couple of times before pulling away, but even then I leaned my forehead against his. Both our breathing rugged and quick.

"Wow. I've been dreaming of that for the past month." Harry said, pecking my lips.

"Me too." I said.

"So I'm assuming that I'm your little secret right." Harry said smirking. I chuckled a bit, remembering my interview on Good Morning America.

"Maybe." I said kissing his right dimple. He chuckled and held me tighter.

And for the first time in my life I felt what it is to be in love, or at least a sense of it. And I liked this feeling, being here in Harry's arms after everything. To just kiss and hold him, I don't know if it'll get easier or rougher but for now I was loving this very moment.

I would never be able to breath love if I first didn't learn how to inhale a little bit of chaos.


Harry's POV

We laid tangled up in each others limbs and blankets, the movie Catching Fire playing in the background, but I was to busy staring down at Bel in my arms. She had fallen asleep half an hour ago. I knew she really wanted to go to sleep since this afternoon, but she fought through it to spend time with me, but as soon as the movie started she fell asleep in my arms.

I stroked her hair, amazed my the length, she had a lot. She looked beautiful in the sunlight, the shine would play with the strands of her brown locks.

She stirred a bit in my arms, snuggling closer to my chest.

The kiss earlier kept playing in my mind. She kissed me. SHE kissed me first. It was desperate and passionated and full of wanting. I wish I could do it again, but I can wait until she was awake again.

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