Save Me

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Midoriya PoV

"Who the fuck is Tulip?" Bakugou breaks the moment.
Everyone was confused, who was this Tulip and why does he...well...look like that?

Dr Y/N gently stroked it's- his cheek. She did not say another word as 'Tulip' repeated her name over and over.

"...Y/N.......Y/...N..." he reached out to her, she held his hand, bringing it to her face.
Her eyes were filled with sorrow as she looked at him up and down, then as if something hit her, determination filled her eyesight.

"Tulip, you've been around longer so I will need your help" she started grasping his hands in hers "dont worry, I will save all of you" she turned away to pick up more files.

She wants to save them..
I knew she wasn't a villain.


As I turned away from Tulip and the others I felt a wet substance grabbing me, when I turned it was a tentacle, probably from one of the children's quirks.

"" he says, I turn to face him "" he repeats "...y./n...." I notice him struggle and I smile
"Its ok Tulip, everything will be ok-"
"NO!" I jump as he raised his voice ""
I frown, what is he trying to say?

"..y/n..." he looks up "..I..." he lifts me with the tentacle and brings me closer "....l...l....l..." he presses on the same letter and I wait patiently " Y/N" he finishes.
I examine his face with a frown "I'm.. sorry I-"
"No" he interrupts before I can finish "..Y/N..I know..." he says simply "..frown..doesn't look..good..on Y/N" his face that looked once dead gently smiles.

All Might PoV

"" 'Tulip' says and as soon as those words left his lips whispering started.
"What's this a beast x human?"
"What the hell is happening"
"But that's a kid right?"

I shake my head trying to ignore the students and focus.
Y/N forces a smile as 'Tulip' reaches one of his hands to her cheeks "".
She gazes at him before looking down "I will save you" she repeats
She looks up confused ""
"No" he repeats ""

There is silence before she finally asks "why?"
The boy places her down "impossible" was the only thing he said.
Y/N gazed up at it, staring at the extra limbs and pained faces
"There...there must be a way!" She exclaimed "I figured out the formula maybe I can figure out how to undo this! You just gotta wait a bit longer" her smile shaken a little as her voice broke, the sound of it making my heart sink
"So...dont say that" she looks down before looking up again  "a-and anyway- there must be some kind of quirk for this! A quirk to make you guys go back... to bring you back.." her smile fades as she notices Tulip hasn't moved "..Tulip..?"

"Y/..N... you ..are" he smiles ".." he says with a sad smile
"Dont worry! I will" she nods
"No" Tulip says making everyone confused "save me" he repeats

"Isnt...that what she just said she would do?" Young Midoriya asks himself

When I look back at her, my heart drops.

Human - Toshinori Yagi (All Might) x Reader Where stories live. Discover now