chApTeR 6

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Fanart is not mine

(Bakugou's P.O.V)
I wanted to murder shitty hair for basically telling the whole school about me and uraraka. I calmed down after a bit. School was finally over. I texted uraraka that I had a surprise for her later. I walked into town to the mall. When we both went to the mall on our date while she was in a store I went to this store that made made customized jewelry.I put in a request for two. Her necklace had two grenades on each end with spikey in between. Shes been calling me spikey ever since we started becoming friends. The keychain I got had a shooting star on the end and floaty on it.The second year at UA our school had an event since a shooting star was coming so we all went to watch it.
After so much convincing I went and I remember when it passed it was as beautiful as her and I wished for her to be mine. It was the day I realized I had feelings for her. I went to the store to go pick them up since they were finally done. I walked in and went to the pickup spot and I saw them,They're perfect.

(Time skip brought to you bY yoUrs tRulY)

I texted uraraka to come over so I can surprise her with what I got.What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesnt wanna wear it?.

Knock knock

I got up to open the door.

"Hey bakugou!!" She said with her usual giant small which I loved.

"Hey floaty" I said while gesturing her to come in.

She walks in and sits on the bed and looks up at me.

"So what's the surprise" she says in a very very excited tone. She's so adorable.

"Close your eyes."

I went to my bedside table to open the drawer and get the black velvet box with the necklace in it.

"Open your eyes" I say nervous to know whether or not she'll like it.

"What is it-"
She looks down at the box and just stares. Tears start forming in her eyes.

"D-do you not like it because if you don't I can always get another one or-"

Before I could finish my sentance I felt her lips on mine.

"I love it" she says looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

I stand up with her and we go to the mirror as she holds her hair and I put it on. She puts her hand on it and holds it against her chest.

"How did I get lucky enough to meet you" she said in such a quiet voice.

"How did I get lucky enough to meet you, ever since you came into my life it's been better. You changed me, made me become a better person,see good in things. I don't know what I would do without you urara-"

"Ochaco, call me ochaco."

"Okay, then you call me katsuki" I say.

"Okay, katsuki"

The way she said my name sent a shiver down my spine. It felt nice her saying my first name. I leaned for a kiss it was like that for a while until I realized I hadn't shown her my keychain.

"Oh I almost forgot to show you"
I say going to the drawer to grab my keychain

"What is it" she said curious to what I could be talking about.

I showed her the keychain and she looked at it then tackled me onto the bed.

"Katsuki!!! Since when did you become such a big softie!!"

"S-shut up I'm not a softie."

"Whatever you say~" she says in a teasing tone.

"Hmph" is all I say.

We both watched a movie and cuddled and eventually fell into a peaceful slumber.

(Uraraka's P.O.V)
I woke up in katsuki's arms.Katsuki it was still new to me, but I liked it. I went to his bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my hair in a quick bun. I look in the mirror to see the necklace he gave me. I loved it so much I wasn't ever gonna take it off.
I walk back into the room to see katsuki awake.

"Finally up sleepyhead?" I say giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"yeabsbdbsb" he says mumbling still tired.


(No ones P.O.V)

Everyone was seated right when the bell rang.

"I have an announcement, tomorrow we are all going on a field trip. It's 5 months long I'm not telling you what it is just yet. We have gotten parents permission so everyone can go.Since it's such short notice and it's a very long field trip and you all need to pack. You're all excused from the rest of your classes and will be able to go to your dorm and pack. Tomorrow morning be at the front gate before 5am or you're going to walk to the location got it?" Aizawa said in a calm but monotone voice.

The class was silent still in awe of what he's said and still trying to process.

"Also you can pick who you want to share a room with. Sleepovers are aloud but if you want to share a room with the opposite sex I will allow it. But since we can't afford having some of you future heros getting pregnant there will be protection and etc in everyone's rooms just in case you need it. Also pack swimwear and sunscreen. Bye now class dismissed" he said while zipping up his sleeping bag.

Chatter filled the room and everyone started talking before they all realized that class was dismissed. They all ran to their dorms to start packing. The same things went through everyones heads. Where are we going?  Why do we need swimwear and sunscreen? Why 5 months?? Who am I going to share a room with? What do I need to pack? I oNLY HAVE A DAY TO PACK!!!

They all packed as much as they could in their suitcases and went to sleep right away since they had to wake up very early.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the charger and ik everyone's thinking 5 months?!?! Where could they be going? They only have 5 months till school ends for them as well so it all pans out perfectly. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave them!! Wanna find out what happens next? Stay tuned to find out.

Have a good day loves ✌️

Word count- 1100

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