chApTEr 7

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Fanart is not mine.

(Uraraka's P.O.V)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It only took me a few seconds to get up because I'm so excited for this trip. It's 5 months!! Maybe we'll get to have some fun and relax since we're about to graduate. Since we didn't have to wear our uniforms I decided to wear something a little extra nice today.I looked in my closet and saw this hoodie I got with Mina, but it's a cropped hoodie so it shows off a little skin but not much. I matched it with some black shorts with two white stripes going down the sides. I grabbed some small black boots and put them on quickly as I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my bird's nest of hair.

I come outside to look at my phone and read the time. 4:45 Perfect I won't be late. I check to see that katsuki texted me good morning. He sends them every morning and wakes up earlier just to make sure I wake up to them. Eeeeekkkkkk I don't know what he's doing to me but I don't want it to ever change.I grabbed my suitcases and walked down the hallway to see most of the girls.

"Hey girls!!" I say in a very happy voice.




"Hello, good morning" Momo said politely.

"Dang girl you look hot today." Mina says looking at me with a smile.

"Thanks,I felt like changing it up a bit." I giggle

"Cough cough For bakugou obviously cough cough" Jirou says in a teasing tone.

"Ribbit you and bakugou-kun are so cute together but then again you're the only one who can tame the "wild beast".Asui says while laughing.

"He's such a softie once you get close with him" I say as the elevator doors open.

"Yeah yeah" toru says looking at me.

We all walk out to see the boys already outside.

"It's about to time you guys showed up." Kirishima says while looking at all of us.

"Whaaat we like being fashionably late!!"Mina says with a giggle.

I see katsuki walking towards me but then stops and looks at me for a second.

"Damn you look hot." Katsuki says while looking at me.

"T-thanks" I say blushing madly. WHY DID I HAVE TO STUTTER!

I look to see what katsuki's wearing.He looks so good in that shirt. I can see his all of his defined muscles. I wanted to rip it right off him- what uraraka! Stop thinking about that!

"Could you guys stop eye fucking eachother Aizawas walking towards us." Kaminari says but he could barely finish his sentance because of laughing in between.

"Oh shush don't act like I don't see you walking out of jirou's room in the morning."

Kaminari and jirou both look at me but jirou looks like she's about to pass out.

All the girls yell looking at jirou.

The girls start bothering jirou but before they could get any answers aizawa tells us to quiet down.

"Okay class be quiet. I guess I should tell you where we're going. There's a resort on a island far far away from here. No villians can get there so it's 5 months of vacation. We have a private plane taking us because we don't want villians to find out where we are going. It's a very private area so no one will be able to find us there. You guys deserve it after all of the hard work these past years we've put you through. The bus is going to take us to the plane so make sure you know who you want to sit next to on the plane.Also decide who you want to share your room with. Keep in mind you can change your room if needed. I'm going to go to sleep now on the bus so don't bother me."

Everyone starts talking about how excited they were. Five months of vacation with katsuki and all my closest friends!!! It's a dream come true!!

We all get seated on the bus after putting our luggage under it since they have huge compartments for suitcases. I sit next to katsuki. Kaminari and jirou in front of us and todoroki and deku behind us also kirishima and Mina were next to us.

"I'm so excited katsuki!! I wonder what it's gonna be like there."

"Me too, anywhere with you is perfect for me." He says starting into my eyes.

I stare back for a while and give him a kiss. It wasn't to long because Mina threw a paper ball at us.

"Could you guys save that until we get to the resort" Mina says laughing hysterically.

"Yeah I'll try" I say with a grin on my face.

I started to think about the resort but then realized. Who am I gonna share a room with? What if katsuki doesn't wanna share a room with me? Calm down uraraka, breathe, just ask him and if he already has someone to share with you can always room with one of the girls.

"Hey Katsuki?"


"Who are you sharing a room with?"

"Well I was hoping you floaty"

"Okay good" I say with a grin.

He lightly chuckles and holds my hand.I put my earbuds in and listen to music while thinking about the trip. It's gonna be amazing, I already know it.

(TiMe sKiP broUgHt tO yOu bY baKuGou's temPer)

Suddenly the bus stops and Aizawa stands up.

"Okay the planes right outside so grab your suitcases and line them up.Someone will get them for you and put them inside. Get off the bus in a straight line and get on the plane calmly.okay? He says looking at a few people on the bus.

We all say at the same time.

We all get on the plane with our backpacks. Me and katsuki get seated as he pulls out a blanket and puts it on us.

"Go to sleep you're probably tired" He says making sure I'm all warm since the plane was extra cold.

"Thanks" I smile up at him while he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead.He puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder and we both slowly drift off to sleep.


Hey guys sorry about this filler chapter but I'm gonna make the next chapter a lot more interesting! Also I'm surprised people are actually reading this book I wasn't expecting even one person to read but thank you for reading! Also since they're going on vacation and you guys have any ideas on what they should there definitely tell me I'd love to incorporate it into the chapters. Also I realized I always update at like 2am but it's alright 😂

Have a good day loves ✌️

Word count- 1155

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