chAppTereRer 17

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(Third person)

A screeching alarm filling the room. The sound of it continuing down the halls. The loud ringing going throughout the entire hotel. The two bodies sprung up in confusion.

"Katsuki- what's that nois-" Uraraka said. Cut off by the loud speaker in their room.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE IN THE FACILITY- PLEASE EVACUATE OUTSIDE I REPEAT PLEASE EVACUATE OUTSIDE." The monotone but very demanding voice was now echoing throughout the room, then replaced with that barring alarm again. The two glanced at each other, confused at what was happening. Then the flashbacks of the previous night hit, realizing they were both naked.

"I'm gonna get dress-"

"Y-Yeah me t-too" The girl said stuttering. Both have a light blush on their faces. The quickly put their clothes on, entering the hallway seeing that the elevator was closed. They quickly ran down the stairs, scared. They had no idea what was going on. They slowly were met with the main doors of the hotel, quickly going through they saw all of their classmates. Uraraka immediately went to the girls.

"What happened???" She said looking at her two classmates, Jirou and Momo. But after seeing their faces she saw they were both just as clueless as her. Just as Momo was about to say something she was cut off. The sound of the news playing on one of her classmates phone. The sound of the phone being hard to hear because of the barring alarm coming from the hotel still. Also the sound of sirens approaching, everything happening slowly, as if it were going in slow motion.

"There was a fire. Dabi was here, they were on their way to kidnap Deku and Katsuki apparently. But one of the hotel staff caught them lingering around the hotel, suspicious enough, they called me down. I contacted more pro heros and getting here as soon as they could we were able to catch them in time. They had not launched their attack... they were waiting for something I still don't know what about, nothing is adding up. But what we do know is that Dabi is under custody and Toga got away." Aizawa said in his usual voice but more serious this time.

Everyone was listening so intently. They were all huddled in a circle, some with blankets, considering the fact that it was 4 in the morning. Thats when Uraraka suddenly felt cold. Shivering, feeling the cool morning breeze in nothing in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Her classmates in mostly the same attire as well. Suddenly she remembered sirens...wait why are there still sirens...? She looked at Aizawa, it was like he could read her mind, the next words coming out of his mouth being,

"You can hear sirens because of the commotion of getting caught they was a fire, no one got hurt but the hotel gardens and pools are damaged and are being saw too immediately."

The fear and chills started going through everyone. What did they want? Why would they come here? How did they find us? What were they WAITING FOR?

(Time skip brought to you by the weewoo sirens)

The firemen had left, clearing it was safe for everyone to go back into their rooms. It was about 6 A.M now. Uraraka and Bakugou walking hand by hand. Entering the hotel, quickly Mina ran in front of the two.

"Well you guys weren't really quiet last night were you?" At first they were both confused, not understanding what she meant at first but quickly catching on remembering last nights events.

"M-MINA!!" The pink haired girl just ran off throwing a fit of giggles, the others looking at wondering what it could be now. The exhaustion hit everyone. Standing outside in the cold for two hours isn't necessarily the best thing for you. Bakugou thought. Went they got to their hotel room Bakugou went to the kitchen. "Hey roundface go grab a blanket and sit on the couch I'm gonna make some tea, don't want ya to catch a cold" Bakugou looked at the girl with a light blush on his face.

"Awww Katsuki you care so much about me, I forget how much of a softie you are sometimes' She said with her normal peppy voice but this time followed by a yawn. He ignored her not wanting to give into her teasing. He made it quickly and sat down on the couch. Uraraka already there who wrapped herself in the blanket. He smiled at her. God I got really lucky with her. Still the question lingering in their mind... What did they want? And why did they come here??

"Katsuki! It tastes so good!"

"Tch. OF COURSE it does I'M the who made it" He said with a stupid grin on his face. He set her cup down. Looking into her eyes, holding her face with his right hand, resting his forehead against her.

"I don't know what I would ever do if I lost you Katsuki- I couldn't live without you if they took you I-I d-don't know what I w-would d-" She started crying, tears falling down her face. He took his other hand to hold her face as well.

"Hey hey listen. I'm right here, ok? you see? I'm not going anywhere okay? I'm not gonna leave you, I promise." The girl stopped crying looking up at Bakugou with loving eyes.

"You pinky promise?" She said holding out her pinky. Bakugou laughed. Not making fun of her, it was light hearted. He couldn't think of anyone better for him.

"I pinky promise."


Word Count- 1089

I originally only planned this story being only 12 or 15 chapters. But it's clearly gone beyond that, so unfortunately the last chapter will be chapter 18.

Also if any of you watch Haikyuu would you be interested in me writing a fanfiction for one of the ships? If so please do tell me a ship, no wack ones of course.

Thanks for reading this chapter guys! Love you all:)

Have a nice day!!

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