Long term - Lee Felix

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So Felix and I have been long term friends even before we were born. Our parents met when they were around 18 years old and kept contact throughout adulthood and when they found the one for them they had kids and boom here we are.

It was a blisteringly hot summers day. He and his family had come round to my parent's house for a BBQ. I was quite nervous seeing Felix again. We hadn't talked in a while and I maybe had a slight crush on him, so this was going to be interesting.

As I was laying the table with cutlery and plates, I heard the doorbell ring. My heart started to thump louder when I heard the door open and the sound of chattering between my parents and his.

Our family made their ways through the house and into the garden where I had set everything up. My father walked over to the BBQ which was slight left of the long table.

Everyone got settled in their seats and the day began.

Us two being only 17 years old, we got on very well and connected with each other even after a long break of not seeing each other. We've always had this almost instinctive connection so nothing was uncomfortable between us.

I'm not going to lie I've always had feelings for him however, I tried to push them away as it would be awkward around our parents if we ever dated and I have no idea if he feels the same for me.

After we had eaten I went to go get myself a can of Pepsi from the house when I turned around, I saw Felix with his adorable freckles and browning, blonde hair.

"Hey..." he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down.

"Oh hi" I replied pouring the can into a cold glass

"How are you?" He tried to make conversation however I know him too well and there was clear tension in the air,  there's something on his mind, I mean, I've known him for 17 years I can read him like a book.
"Cut the bullshit what's up?"

He sighed and walked over to me "okay so..." he looked up at me.
"God this is hard" he looked around the kitchen avoiding my eye contact.  I was slightly confused as I'd never seen him this stressed before apart from when he took his exams.

"I like you"



"I don't care if it's awkward with our parents being friends but I can't hide this anymore"

He took what felt like the most slow motion steps towards me before cupping my cheeks in his small hands ( we all know this boy had midget hands). Heavy breaths separating our faces. He goes to lean in but I take a step backwards. "I'm sorry, I should've known you didn't like me back" he pulls away and with a hot flush rising up his face. "no, I like you too." his eyes widen at my statement. "let's just take it slow"

A/N Loloool

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