Minho - Jealousy Pt.2

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You slid the door of the minivan open to reveal the boys in their initial positions.
Minho, being Minho,  he completely ignored your presence.
Feeling slightly guilty, you start to move towards your seat next to Minho. However, as you began to sit down, Felix called you over.

"Y/n, hurry up and sit down"

You knew if you sat down next to Felix, it would only anger Minho more, therefore, you shook your head and sat next to the window, in front of jealous one.

Before you knew it, the minivan pulled up to an old rustic cottage.

The cottage was made out of orange brick and dark wood, vines were wrapped around the brick and the edge of the glass panels. It looked so old and yet so inviting. 
It felt quite homely to you and the feeling of this place was something you wished for in the future with your family.

You heard the boot open which snapped you out of your daydreaming and trod towards the back of the minivan.  As it was still night time so Chan and Seungmin had their phone's flashlight on as the couple emptied the back of our suitcases.

The boys and you were only supposed to stay for 2 weeks but you being you, meant overpacking so your bag was extra full.

~💫time skip💫~

Unpacked and settled in your room, you heard the door click.

The door slid open to reveal Minho, with that same solemn expression on his face from before.
You didn't want these toxic thoughts roaming around your head for much longer so you had to break the tension.

"Are you mad at me?"

He sighed and shook his head "not really with you..." he started to unpack his suitcase.
His suitcase was placed on the red velvet sofa, just underneath the window which was opposite the door, he had just came through.
You were sort of confused, why would Minho act so distant towards you if he wasn't mad at you.

You start to walk over to him when he adds "...I'm more mad at Felix"


"What did he do?" You asked

He just shakes his head and turned around to you. He took a few steps closer and leant down until your faces were inches apart,  the warmth of his breath against your soft, plump lips.

He looked down at your lips then back up to your eyes. You were so nervous he could feel you tremble beneath him.

"...I'll sleep on the sofa" he pulled away sharply and went back to unpacking. You could feel your strong heartbeat in your chest, even though you've known him for around 3 years he has never failed to make you feel so flustered.

It was already decided before Minho started acting all moody that you two would share a room because of your relationship.

Everyone also had a roommate, including Felix because there weren't enough rooms to have one to yourself.

~💫another timeskip 💫~

You laid in your king-sized bed feeling cold and empty even though the summer heat was blazing through the open window.

Night-time had never felt so lonely before.

You wrapped the duvet tighter around your body and turned to stare at Minho who seemed to be sound asleep on the red velvet couch.

~3rd Person~

Y/n felt the wooden headboard against her back as she sat up.

Slowly, she dragged her knees to her chest and pressed her palms into her eyes.

Having Minho so distant felt so isolating. It felt like all she'd ever wanted was right there in front of her but no matter how hard to tried to reach for it, it kept floating further away.

She hadn't realised but tears had quickly soaked her palms.

When she tore her hands from her eyes, she tried wiping the drops with her pyjama shirt but she couldn't help the loud sniffle as she tried to contain the feelings inside her heart.

~ Minho's PoV ~

I heard her cry and it broke me in pieces.

How could I make her feel this shitty?

But then again it's not my fault she's too close to Felix. I hate it when I see her with him.
I know his feelings for her.

I've seen her with him, the smiles she can't contain when they hang out together.

Maybe, he's better for her,
Maybe, he could make her happy,
All I want is for her to be happy,

I know he can make her happy.


Let's be honest ya'll know there's gunna be another chapter

A/nLet's be honest ya'll know there's gunna be another chapter

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