they find your Youtube channel

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Thanks again Mild_Panic for another request!!!

To be honest your was channel was kinda a mess, you played the occasional game to stay relevant however your channel was mostly music related

* Chan

- He would lowkey be really into your channel.
- He would find you hilarious
- would sit and wait for your daily uploads
- you didn't notice that he followed you until he commented on your video named "freestyle to Minecraft mob noises"
- you recognised his username and smiled widely.

- you were seated in the dance studio when you saw the comment,
and you got up from your laptop and walked over to chan in his studio

- you knocked up the door lightly and walked in

- you wrapped your hands around his necks and whispered in his ear, that were now flushing slightly red.
- "I saw your comment..."
- he turned and picked you up. Placing you on his lap.

- he kissed you cheek and said while cutely "can I be in a video"


* Minho

- he kinda just walked into your room while you filming and he was very visible in the camera frame.

- you instantly pushed him out, since no one knew you were dating and didn't want speculations going around you knew you had to edit that out later.

- Minho sat behind the camera while he ate kimbap.

- he watched in awe as you recorded.

-he mimed to you throughout the recording to say things or do things when you didn't know what to say or do.

- you stated that you were gonna do a dance cover of a song, asking your subscribers to suggest ideas.

- after you hit end record Minho got up and asked you a bunch of questions about your channel, including "can I help with the dance cover"


* Changbin

- So he was casually searching stuff up like Changbin and y/n

- or just you on your own when a YouTube video came up and it was you talking about your hardships at your previous company.

- he watched the whole 25-minute video with no interruptions before closing his laptop and going to find you.

- he found you in the kitchen and gave you a big back hug.

- it surprised you a little as you weren't really used to this sorta behaviour however you accepted it gracefully.
- he told you that he watched that video and you laughed slightly.

- you said that video was a year old and you didn't feel so pressured in JYP as you did in the previous company as you said in the video.

- Changbin was relieved to say the least, later on in the day when he had the chance he completely binge-watched your whole channel.

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