Seungmin - Forest

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Requested by sihyeoku this is part one and I'm sorry it took so long to get up!!!

Alone in one of the largest bedrooms in the palace sat the most handsome prince in all of the land. Even though he is the son of the king and Queen, living in a home with many maids and servants, Seungmin I couldn't help but feel isolated and trapped. Alienated from society. His only friend's being books.

Seungmin could never get his head out of his favourite book. The Story focuses on a girl, around the same age as him, trapped in a forest unable to escape the vines of the earth. The earth keeps her away from the city holding her prisoner in the foliage. Seungmin felt emotionally connected with this girl, even though fiction, he knew there was someone just like him isolated away from reality.

Paper pages illuminated by the lamp on his desk, Seungmin was yet again reading the same book. His shelves were full of others he had read before but nothing could captivate him like that book could. He looked over to his phone checking the time seeing it was just passed 2:20 am. He sighed heavily feeling the same loneliness he felt every day for the past 10 years.

As a child, Seungmin used to play with the maids and servants around the palace creating mischief and a bright atmosphere, until he decided he was too old for messing around. After his tenth birthday, something changed in his parents and himself which segregated him from the household. His parents decided it was best if he stopped socializing for the most part and focused on his studies as he is the next in line for the throne. A certain pressure was shoved onto him.

Seungmin felt a the summer breeze blow through his open window. Once again he sighed heavily, closing the book but not before sliding the bookmark in so he could get back to where he left off. He pulled away from his desk, squeaking his chair against the wooden floor. He mentally cursed himself since he didn't want to wake his parents or any of the maids and servants for that matter.

When he was standing in front of the window, he took a deep breath of the fresh air. Summer used to be his favourite season when he was allowed to go outside and play in the palace gardens. The bristles on the trees, crunchy leaves underneath his feet and warm air brushing past his pink cheeks, he ran to the palace wall. He's always wanted to know what was behind it. He envisioned colour and light like nothing he'd ever seen before.

As Seungmin stood at the window he saw the red brick wall he used to be so adamant about climbing over, but being too small and weak, he never made it. Deep in thoughts, he heard a rustle in the bushes below his window. He stared deeper and could make out a shadow of a figure. The extent of his curiosity ran deep as he stopped himself from turning around, running down the main stairs and straight out the back door, leading to the forest.

He kept his eyes fixed onto the figure determined to see who this was and how they got into the Palace Forest. The figured stepped cautiously into the garden light, illuminating the soft harmless features of their face. Seungmin's eyes widened as he took in her bright and attractive features. She was beautiful. He'd never seen someone so gorgeous in his life, not that he'd seen many people outside the palace gates anyway.

A light sparked within him. Without even realizing it Seungmin was already in front of the glass doors standing directly in front of the girl. He saw a reflection of loneliness in her that he felt in himself. Sliding the door to the right, he heard the heavy breaths of the girl standing before him and the gentle rustling of bushes in the summer winds.

"this way." she mouthed pointing into the dark forest. Seungmin looked into her light purple eyes, they were also magical. Before he could say anything, her fingers had laced with his and dragged him into the forest. His feet moved on there own and his eyes locked to the back of her head.

As they ran Seungmin felt his life brighten. Lights seemed to appear surrounding them as they ran. Along with a purple hue.

When Seungmin had realized the sudden stop, he looked to see the same red brick wall he was challenged with 10 years ago. "over" she said in a slightly hushed tone. Seungmin finally awoke to the realization he had just begun to run away with a random girl from the outside world. "who are you?" he questioned

"I'll tell you when we get over"

He shook his head "Tell me now." his voice was stern and harsh. 


That's the end of that part I hope you enjoyed it!!

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