Straykids with spiders

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Scenario : you see a spider in the bathroom when you go in to take a shower, but you're too afraid to get rid of it so you get your boyfriend in.

Thanks Mild_Panic for requesting this

* Chan

-He would be all manly by saying things like
- "Ha that tiny thing doesn't compare to the massive and lethal spiders in Australia"

- He would get a glass and paper and remove it for you

- You looked at him like he was a knight in shinning armour.

- He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before leaving you to take a shower.


* Minho

- He walked into the bathroom to see you pointing at the spider.

- he took a long breath to prepare himself for the torture he's about to put himself through.

- you left him in the bathroom with the demon so he could get rid of.

- you had no idea how he got rid of it but he did

- he left the bathroom with a smug grin on his face obviously proud of his accomplishments.


* Changbin

- he entered the bathroom with caution

- he saw the spider and his darku face appeared.

- you knew shit was about to go down so you left him be.

- Changbin walked out the bathroom and hugged you instantly "don't worry, you can't be hurt anymore"

- "thank you!" You did some aegyo and his darku face melted into child like wonder.


* Hyunjin

- He would heat you screaming from the bathroom and this boy is up the stairs in a matter of seconds.

- He walked into the bathroom and sees you in wrapped in a towel.

- he hugs you and asks "baby, what's wrong?"

-you slowly point towards the spider now perched on the side of the bathroom walls.

- he sighs and grabs it in his hands and throws it out the window

- he goes to hug you again but you stop him and say "you better wash you demon ridden hands now"

- he laughs and exaggeratively washes his hands in front of you before hugging you and letting you take your shower.



- you walk out in your towel towards Jisung

- you tap him on the shoulder then take his hand in yours as you slowly bring him to the bathroom.

- you show him the spider and he screams, right then and there he just screams

- you sigh and say "I'm gunna have to get rid of it, aren't I?"

- he nods slowly



- see like chan, he's seen bigger spiders in Australia and this tiny thing didn't scare him.

- he stood there and said "it's okay, I'll get rid of this tiny spider for you"

- he lightly patted your head and walked over to it with a piece of paper.

- he scooped it onto the paper and threw it outside.
- He turned to you and smiled "it's gone"
- He kissed your forehead and left you to take your shower


* Seungmin

- He's so soft

- you called him to get rid of the spider and he told you to calm down

- he said things like "it's really small,"
"It can't hurt you"
"It's more afraid of you, than you are of it"

- he slowly removed it from the bathroom and smiled at you
-"enjoy your shower"


* I.n

- He was too scared of the spider so he decided on calling his hyungs to help him

- he called chan and he just laughed over the phone for a bit before arriving at your shared dorm.

- he removed the spider and Jeongin  thanked him

- you mentally face palmed as chan left


A/n I'm fuckking terrified of spiders so, like I would love to visit Australia since my moms been there and she's says it's gorgeous but damn the spiders there. So I'm like nope
Nope nope



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