Straykids when you smile

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Bang chan

- "oh shit I dropped my UwUs"

- non stop smiling on his end as well



- somehow finds an innocent smile sexy

- envelops you into a squishy hug



- does aegyo

- he keeps on doing aegyo so he can keep seeing your gorgeous smile.



- also finds a perfectly innocent smile sexy

- takes a picture of you while you weren't looking and changes it to his lock screen.



- does his squirrel aegyo, similar to Changbin, to keep you smiling.

- buys you bubble tea as a reward.



- would instantly jump on you,

- he would cup your face in his hands and smile with you



- takes a selca with you with your big grin

- he posts it on Instagram with the caption smile shining bright



- gets really shy as he's the one that made you smile

- blush dusts his cheeks as you hold his hand.


Sorry it's so short I just haven't been very motivated recently but I wanna say thank you so much for 2k reads!!!

Love yall 💖💖

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