Straykids when you're sick

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- Is looking after you 24/7

- Never leaves your side

- Will get sick for you

"I'm not going to let go, I'll take the sickness away from you by contracting it"



- Tries to not care but on the inside, he hates seeing you sick.

- Lots of kisses and tries to make you smile

- Cuddles with the 3 cats

"My children will help you get better"


- While he's working you'd sit on the couch in the studio with your hot water bottle

- Strokes your hair at night time to comfort you

- also makes you laugh to distract you.

"I'll write you lots of songs once you get better, so hurry up and get better"


- Gives you piggybacks downstairs and up whenever you need to move.

- Constantly checking up on you.

- Kisses your hands whilst you're sitting on his lap, cuddling

"I love you, I'm always here for you, please get better, it makes me sad when you're sick"


- Squirrel poses to make you smile

- Sings for you while you sleep and let's you watch him as he writes lyrics for his next song

- Movies, lots of movies



- That Aussie accent comes out to play

- Makes you some Aussie dishes to see if they'd make you feel better.

- In the end, you'd both end up playing video games.

"Overwatch? Minecraft*gasp* time to have a happy life in Minecraft! We can have pet dogs and cats and parrots and dolphins and turtles..."



- Clings onto you, never lets you go.

- Doesn't mind letting you on his nice and clean bed whilst you're sick.

- Constantly tells you to get better and is always ready with another dosage of medicine.

"It's been four hours you can have another pill"


- Asks his Hyungs for help.

- Kisses your cheeks when you need support.

- Holds your hands while you both sit on the couch cuddling.

"What do you wanna watch next? Or do you want to lie in bed together?"

~💫The end💫~

Just a quick imagine
Would love requests!

Also thank you so much for 9k reads

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