Minho- jealousy pt 4

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It's been around two days since the weird emotional confrontation in your bedroom and Minho had decided that he would sleep in the living room since he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

The group took a small drive, in the black minivans, to the beach. The beach towels were in the boot along with a bucket and spade that Jeongin insisted in taking. 

The 9 of you met two of your friends that you had invited to the beach. They had met most of skz before and were set on meeting the rest of them so you brought them along. Since you were on a beach, bikinis were on. Yours was a simple red bikini showing off your beautiful figure and beautiful skin. Your friend Kim Hyun-Ji was wearing a light pink bikini with her light brown hair in a high ponytail and your other friend, Ha Yoon, was wearing a white bikini covered by a cream translucent cover-up. As for the boys, they were all wearing shirts and swimming trunks.

When you arrived at the beach the beaming sun hit your face making you squint your eyes. Felix noticed and shaded your face with the palm of his hand. You gave him a small smile as thank you. The group walked out of the parking lot and onto the golden sand that moulded to the shape of your foot with each step you took and as the sun reflected off the sand it made it seem as if the sand was glittering in the light. 

As you placed your feet into the sand you decided it was best to take of your sandals so that they wouldn't become uncomfortable. 
As you felt the soft sand underneath your toes, it brought a dainty smile to your face. "Yahhhhh!" The sound of an annoyed Jisung brought your attention behind you and sure enough, you saw Jisung with a face full of sand. You couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "I'm going to get you Jeongin!!" Jisung yelled. Jeongins facial expression quickly dropped from an evil smirk to a hesitant grin before he quickly took off running across the beach with jisung trailing behind him. 

The whole group had taken to laughter at the youthful boys. As you laughed, you took a quick look over to Minho and as soon our his brown orbs met your eyes the smiles and laughter were quickly washed away. Breaking away from his stare, your head dropped to your feet which were playing with the golden sand beneath. 

After finding a nice spot on the beach and setting up the beach towels and the umbrellas, you sat on your towel watching Hyun-Ji, Ha Yoon, Felix,  Jisung, Chan and Changbin messing around in the water. Just of to the side, Jeongin was building a sandcastle, he was sitting in the wet sand as the waves came up and down his legs. You giggled to yourself since he was so cute. Hyunjin and Seungmin had walked off just earlier getting drinks for everyone from a little beach hut.

The only people left were you and Minho.  You two hadn't talked since the first night and it was incredibly awkward. Eventually, Minho couldn't stand the uncomfortable silence so he took your wrist and brought you aside. 

He was wearing a blue shirt paired with red swimming trunks. His hair was ruffled and messy accentuating his bleached tips caused by the hot sun, which added to his gorgeous demeanour. 

You yanked your wrist out of his grasp. "What the hell, Minho!" You yelled.

"Goddammit y/n!" He yelled, his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Can't you see what you're doing to me! I love you so, god, damn much! Every time I see you with him, I get this heart-wrenching feeling in my chest!" his chest heaved up and down with each breath.

"It hurts so much!" his right hand gripped the left side of his shirt.

"I want you."

"I need you!"

"I need you in my future"

"You are my future!"

You instantly hug him.
You felt the anger rise in him through his heavy breaths.

Chest rising and dropping.

But he pushed you away.

"Just be happy with him for me"

"What is wrong with you Minho" You burst. "You tell me you love me yet you push me away! I'm so confused!" 

He doesn't answer before walking off further down the beach. "Where are you going?!" You screamed. "Minho! If you continue to walk off right now, this is the end!" his feet halted in the sand. 

He turned his face to look at you in the eyes, those damned eyes, they always drag you in. His face is perfectly framed by the midday sunlight. "I'm doing this for you" He turns back around taking a step forward before you yell "Have you ever asked how I feel?" he halted yet again. "For god's sake Minho, You may have told yourself this is the best for me, But you have no idea how I feel, do you?" Your voice broke in between talking due to the pang in your heart.

"I love you, Minho!"

Words slipping out painfully.

He turns around in frustration walking heavily over to you. He stops and leans in, his eyes dropping from your eyes to your lips then back to your eyes. He sighs and looks away before whispering in your ear.

"But he loves you."

~💫I'm super sick right now💫~

~💫I'm super sick right now💫~

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