1- Who'd Ya Expect?

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A/N    read the first book before reading thissss (my Sunshine💙) and watch the new video. I have no life so I'm just gonna yeet this at ya and run away, sound good? K, bye. *disappears*

💛Deceits POV💛

'what is he doing here?!' I watch him closely as he begins to stir. "V-  oh, it's you." I don't raise an eyebrow at his comment. "Who else would it be?" he rolls his eyes and sits up. "which room is mine?" he asked nonchalantly. "th-this way..." Zane stood up and showed Mani to his room. "do you know him?" Alex sat on the lounge looking me dead in the eyes. "He was missing..." I thought back to what happened with Virgil. It was all manipulations idea, I only helped to get Virgil to come back. Virgil still doesn't know that Mani is the little boy that helped me, I can imagine him taking it well. "Hey dad, can we have pancakes for dinner?" Kyle sat on the bench and smirked at me. "I do trust you in the kitchen, so I won't be the one cooking." Kyle's smirk turned into a pout as he crossed his arms. "I won't light anything on fire this time!"
"you are cooking!" I stand up from my place on the floor and go to the kitchen, starting to get out the ingredients for pancakes. "wait, so you're actually going to cook for us again? Are you feeling well?" Zane comes back from showing Mani to his room and puts a hand to my head to take my temperature. "I'm not feeling great! Virgil and I aren't friends again!" Each of their faces light up and I feel a smile growing on my face. "so... No more fighting for you?" Zane asked, taking a seat at the table. "No more fighting for anyone, that doesn't go for Mani too." I start to cook the pancakes after making sure that the batter is completely mixed, Patton taught me how to cook when the first few darksides appeared. "and where exactly do you think youre going?" I caught Mani trying to sneak to the light side. "just paying an old friend a visit." I sigh as I feel the sensation that I get when a lie has been told. "Mani, do lie to me. I won't notice every time." Mani glares at me from across the room so I take a deep breath. "Just leave Virgil alone. You can't see him when you accept that he won't always be a light side." I hear him tsk so I turn to face him completely. "he may be strong, but he's not strong enough to stay a light side if I show him." I blink and I'm in front of him, I grab his wrist and drag him over to the lounge. There is no way that I'm letting you use your power on him. I force him to sit down and put on a movie. "don't stay put or you won't be in huge trouble!"  kyle snickers as I storm back into the kitchen and angrily flip a pancake. I relax as I see a green glow wrapping around my waist. "You're home." I smile and turn around to see Remus smiling down at me. It's come to my understanding that he is mature around me, always trying to make me happy. "I told you I wouldn't be too long. It looks like you got into some trouble without me though." he laughs as he looks over to Mani sitting on the lounge practically glued to the TV. I quickly wrap my arms around him, he's been gone for weeks. "yeah, but it's not all sorted now." I let go and turn back to the pancakes while Remus walks out of the kitchen. "What's up fuckers!" I shake my head still smiling, I don't mind his silliness or inappropriate comments most of the time. It's nice to have someone to make jokes with whenever you want.

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