4- You're Still Here!

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💜Virgils POV💜
"calm down and start from the beginning." I've been ranting to deceit while he's been practicing his baking. "I'm sorry, it shouldn't even be bothering me. He was joking around." I'm sitting on the counter stealing cookie dough when ever Dees back is turned, but I'm pretty sure he knows. "you're allowed to be upset, I think I know why youre so upset though." Deceit frowns at the almost empty bowl of cookie dough while I wait patiently. "Have you... Been talking about what happened?" He turns to me with a concerned look and passes me the bowl. "what do you mean?" I cross my legs with the bowl in my lap. "you and I both know that you don't like worrying others, but you literally witnessed yourself die. You were trapped in your mind in the dark for weeks, alone. You gave up everything, that doesn't just go away Virge. You need to talk about it." I take a deep breath before putting a spoonful of cookie dough in my mouth. "I guess I should talk about it with someone." Deceit gets a tray out of the oven before pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry." I smile a little and hug him back. "it's okay, for the millionth time! It wasn't you." we stay like that for a few moments before we hear someone walk in. "Virgey! How have ya been?" Remus puts his hand up for a high five as Deceit let's go. I simply shake my head and put my fist up for a fist bump. He grins and makes a funny sound as he pulls away, making me laugh. "so, what're you ladies talkin' about?" Dee shot him a look, obviously amused. "Virgil is having relationship problems." my eyes widen at his comment before I look away, not wanting Remus's advice. "C'mon! Virge over here can handle it! I'm sure it's not all that bad." in all honesty it isn't bad at all, it's just affecting me more than it should. Ugh, emotions are the worst. "I know, I'll just leave it. I'm gonna go draw for a while, don't have too much fun in here okay? There are kids around." I slide off of the bench and gesture to Zane and Alex playing a game in the lounge room as I walk out. "Talk to them, Virgil!" Dee calls out. I sneak past the others and get into my room with out being spotted. I can talk to them later, it doesn't even matter. Be careful, Virge. Don't bottle everything up! 'V2? Is... Is that you?' Yep, turns out I just switched places. 'You're alive!' yeah, why are you so excited? 'shouldn't I be?' I've been thinking. If I'm still here there may be a chance that we can be switched again. I don't want whoever did it before to do it again so I'm not exactly thrilled about it. 'but Dee and I are talking...' he had help, remember? 'it's fine, Dee won't let anything happen again. I trust him.' I trust him too. 'Good.' I hear a knock on my door and see an envelope slipped under it with cursive writing on it. 'Figures' I chuckle a little and open it as I sit against the door.

'dearest Virgil,
Would you please accompany each of us and the rest of the sides for dinner and a horror movie marathon? Ofcourse we understand if you decline. If, however, you choose to accept, the dress code is comfortable attire as we shall be sleeping. I hope to see you there, my love.

'that dork' I feel my cheeks heat up as I stand. He really is a dork. V2 snorts making me laugh. "Yeah, yeah." I shake my head and put the invitation down. 'So, you gonna watch the movies or sleep?' I'm gonna sleep for a while. 'alright, I'm gonna find something to wear.'

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