Chapter 9 - Rejected

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"Can I take you home? It's getting late now." Mingi offered. Wooyoung rolled his eyes in annoyance of how much of a flirt his delusional friend is. If he really want to be sweet with a girln he should ask a girl out and not flirt with every girl that is brought here.

"I'm okay. It's getting late anyway. I can just sleep here." She told them, leaving everybody flusted. It's her first time in here and she already feels at home.

Hongjung is usually nice and would welcome anybody, but since Wooyoung's intentions isn't pure, he disapprove of this slumber party. He felt something about Moonhee. It's like her intentions are just as bad as Wooyoung's and of not, it might be worse.

Nobody knows this girl. Just because she's pretty it doesn't mean she's an angel. Satan was the most beautiful angel after all.

"I'll take you home. Your parents don't even know me yet." Wooyoung insisted. "How about I introduce myself and let them know that next time if you stay here, you're safe and they know how I look like." He tried to reason out, which made Moonhee's smile fade. She stared into his eyes for a long time as if she's a program that has stopped processing. She can be one of those .jpg or .png memes.

"Puppy dog eyes won't work princess." Mingi interrupted. "Get up, I'll take you home." He said grabbing his jacket.

Moonhee immediately clings onto Wooyoung's arms. "Mingi's a bit weird don't you think? Don't you guys tell him how weird he is." She jokes, trying to change the topic.

"He's right though, you need to go home." Hongjung told Moonhee who also stared at him for a long time. She's getting weird the longer she stays here.

Her huge eyes now looks like a creepy China doll that you see in horror movies. Her jet black hair doesn't help either. She now looks like the ghost on a horror movie.

She just send off that aura that send you chills down your spine.

She broke the eye contact and averted her gaze to Wooyoung again. "My parents are kinda strict, don't mind anything the will tell you. Especially my mother. She's kinda delusional." She warned and stood up without finishing her food.

Seonghwa hissed. "You guys have no table manner. How could you talk about going home while she's eating. Looking she didn't eat everything." He scolded everybody. "All of those who told her to leave, eat all her left overs." He pointed at Hongjung, gesturing him to get Moonhee's plate.

Moonhee shyly smiled. "Sorry." She said and yanked Wooyoung up, which was kinda weird because they all assumed that she's a proper lady. The fact that she stood up in the middle of dinner was very peculiar already.

Wooyoung was more than happy to drive her home. This is the most awaited moment of his life. He's finally going to meet his real family.

Hongjung caught up to them and whispered to Wooyoung. "Don't expect too much or you'll get hurt." He said and went back inside.

Wooyoung shook it off from his thoughts and took Moonhee towards his car. First thing he noticed with her was she doesn't look satisfied.

Why? Is there something wrong with his Mercedes?

"Do you perhapse know how to drive a motorcycle?" She asked Wooyoung. So she likes guys with a motorcycle. That Minhwi guy did pick her up one time with a motorcycle.

"I know, but it's more convenient to own a car it terms of storage and shade. With motorcycle, you can't hang a suit or bring a spare uniform and shoes with you. Don't even get me started when it's raining." He told her before unlocking the door.

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