Chapter 15 - Stars

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Moonhee became more quiet as the night progresses. The only thing she's been worried about was Wooyoung's hair and nothing else. She barely touched her food and barely made any noise.

"So! Anything interesting lately?" Yeji asked the rest since it was her who loves checking up on everyone.

"Ooooh! Meee!" Mingi raised his hands excitedly like he's on a school doing a graded recitation. "I think I like this girl named Hannah. She words at Aurora cafe." He told everybody.

Mei clapped her hands. She was loud after being quiet the whole time. She was so glad that Mingi is starting to overcome his fear of liking someone that isn't his friend's girlfriend. This means he wouldn't interrupt them that much anymore.

"You seem happy baby. You don't like me anymore?" Mingi asked Mei who suddenly stopped clapping and turned back to her normal shy self again.

"I'm just happy that you already found someone you can actually date." She said on a very soft voice that just shows how refined and and well mannered she is. It's almost like talking to an angel.

Mingi wrapped his hand on himself, thinking about Hannah. The way she laughs and her eyes when it squints as she laughs. They watched him hold himself, staring at the horizon as he smiles. He must be really in love with this girl.

Yunho does remember Hannah. She's the nice waitress at Aurora cafe. The only one willing to sell him a whole box of their special Cream cheese cupcake with Aurira sprinkles which basically was just a cupcake with a cream cheese filling and icing, topped with green, blue, and lavender sprinkles with some pringles that sparkle like glitters but it's edible.

Olivia loves them so much that Yunho had to know Hannah's schedule to buy a whole box of those cupcakes for Olivia.

Hannah seems nice. If she would date Mingi he would approve. She's the nicest person in Aurora cafe anyway. Maybe that's why Mingi developed feelings for her.

"Enough about love. You guys should see my sculptures of Yeosang." Heejin showed everybody pictures of her sculptures of Yeosang. They all look exactly like Yeosang except his birthmark wasn't there.

They perfectly understood because it's not a drawing or a painting. But the guys knew exactly why, because Yeosang kept that part of him as a secret. He hid it from Heejin since she's such a perfectionist artist.

"This reminds me of how we even started dating." Heejin told Yeosang, making his heart flutter. It's like thousands of butterflies are chasing each other in his stomach. He couldn't calm himself and hide a smile.

"How did you guys started dating?" Mei asked. She's never asked that before because she was too shy to ask. Overtime she became more curious because those two always relate their relationship with art and it was beautiful. She and Jongho met through music and that's already beautiful, but visual art is something Mei is not familiar of.

Despite that, she was always fascinated by it. She felt like Heejin and Yeosang don't belong in modern society  because they're so drawn to art. A love story with art included is like a beautiful story of kingdoms long long time ago in Cleopatra's reign.

Heejin took a shot of soju before she started sto tell their story.

"The beauty of how we started is when we still don't know each other. Yeosang is a one of those painters who has nature as his model. Each and every project, he would hike mountains and take pictures and paint those. He never leaves the art room. As of for me, I love using people as my model. I need people to start my art. I need an inspiration. I have to know the feeling, I need to feel it." She started explaining which bored Mei even though it was her who asked.

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