A Visit to Khaldoun

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Sofia and Minimus go to Khaldoun to see how many Khaldounians actually stayed.

"Wow, not many people have stayed in Khaldoun. I don't understand why not though. The royal family is so nice," Sofia says as she flies through the sky looking down on Khaldoun.

"Maybe there is something wrong, maybe something changed to make them unhappy enough to leave."

"Maybe one of the people in that huge line can give us some information," Sofia says as Minimus lands on a patch of the greenest grass she had ever seen.

Sofia politely walks through the crowd until she is face to face with two guards.

"Who are you?" The guard on the left asks.

"I'm Princess Sofia Protector of the Ever Realm. Can you tell me why everyone is leaving?"

"We are unsure, King Nasir is sick at the moment so his brother Prince Zuberi has taken over for him."

"May I speak with him?"

"Which kingdom did you say you were from?" The other guard asks.

"Enchancia," Sofia says.

"Sorry Princess but the Prince has a strict no talking to the enemy policy," the guard denies the request.

"I understand," Sofia says before walking away.

"Sofia, wait!" A familiar voice calls her name.

"Maya," Sofia smiles.

"Sofia, what are you doing here?"

"I heard about the fight between our kingdoms," Sofia says to her friend.

"What fight?" Maya asks.

"Is there someplace here we can go where nobody can find us?" Sofia asks not wanting to risk failing the mission.

"Follow me," Maya says using a hand gesture.

Sofia follows her friend to a hedge maze.

"Why are we at a hedge maze?" Sofia asks.

"Be patient," Maya says as she and Sofia travel through the maze and end up at dead end.

Maya steps on a rock that magically appeared as Maya takes her foot off the rock some of the hedge disappears and reveals a hidden passage.

"Wow," Sofia is astonished.

"Quickly, follow me," Maya opens the door.

"How long has this been here?" Sofia asks as she follows Maya down a slanted path.

"Ever since my father was a kid. My aunt was the only girl and my grandma knew that she needed a place where nobody could find her when days were rough and needed to get away."

Maya and Sofia walk through some leaves.

"It's beautiful," Sofia says as she sees a big willow tree.

"Thank you," Maya says as both princesses sit on a stump.

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