Destination: Wei-Ling

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"What are we doing here Sofia?" Maya asks as they land in Wei-Ling.

"We are going to visit Jin and Jun so they can tell you what they do for the citizens of Wei-Ling," Sofia says getting off Minimus.

"Why can't we talk to Emperor Quan?" Maya asks getting off Skye.

"Sometimes those who lead are so blind that they don't realize that it actually hurts the children," Sofia says as they walk up to the palace.

"Okay, I don't understand what that means, but I trust you," Maya says.

"Hi, I'm Princess Sofia and this is Maya, can we see Jin and Jun?" Sofia asks the guard.

"Princess Sofia of Enchancia and Princess Maya of Khaldoun?" the guard replies with his own question.

"Yes," Sofia responds.

"You are not welcome here," the guard points his weapon at her.

"The children have nothing to do with the war, let them in," a woman's voice says.

"Empress Lin-lin," Sofia says relieved that an adult sees that they are innocent.

"Thank you so much," Maya responds.

"I'll go get Jin and Jun," the Empress says as she leaves the girls in what would be the parlor if they were in Enchancia or Khaldoun.

"Do you think this will work?" Maya asks, "I really don't want to lose my friends."

"Miss Fauna, Flora, and Maryweather always told us to 'Rule over others as you'd have them rule over you'."

"I never really understood what they meant by that," Maya says to Sofia.

"What they meant was to treat others the way you want to be treated," Jun chimes in.

"Translation please," Maya says still a little confused.

"If you want someone to be nice to you then you have to be nice to them, even if they aren't royalty," Empress Lin-lin says.

"Oh, that makes sense, I guess we haven't really been doing that," Maya says remembering what Malakai said when he was telling her and Sofia why the citizens were mad, at least the ones that stayed.

"Come along guys, let's go sit in the garden," Jun says.

Sofia and Maya follow their former classmate to the back of the palace.

"This is beautiful," Maya says as she looks closely at the statues that decorate the garden.

"Thank you, this one is my favorite. It's my great-grandmother," Jun says as she notices Maya looking at the stone sculpture of a woman holding a parasol.

"I missed this place," Sofia says as the three of them sit on pillows around a square table.

"So, why have you come to Wei-Ling?"

Sofia explains everything to Jun as she did to Maya when she arrived in Khaldoun.

"What do you do to show appreciation to your citizens?" Maya asks.

"We have a Kite Festival, every year all the citizens make kites and fly them, Jin and our parents even join in and help the little children fly their kites. It's a tradition that goes back many generations."

"Some of the best things are from the past," a male voice comes in, "It is important to remember where we come from, when we know where we come from we can be better people," Jin finishes.

"I wish our fathers would see that this war could tear things apart, more than just alliances," Sofia says.

"I wish we could figure out where my dad went," Maya says.

"Your dad is missing?" Jin says.

"Yes," Maya says.

"Don't worry Maya we will find him," Sofia puts her shoulder on her friend.

"Sofia is right, I have seen what she can do. She will be able to find your dad," Jun says.

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