A Ruined Lu'au

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The next day all four princesses finish setting up.

"Are you okay Sofia?" Amber asks her sister who is looking at everyone very closely.

"I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen and I am just making sure that everyone is okay."

"Well put that worry aside, we have to help Maya."

Knowing her sister is correct Sofia becomes less tense but still keeps a careful eye on everyone and everything.

"Maya, what are you doing here?" Prince Zuberi asks his niece.

"We are setting up for a party to celebrate the citizens."

"Why would you want to celebrate those lower than us?"

"So that we can get them back," Maya responds.

"Why would you want them back?" Zuberi asks.

"Because Uncle it isn't a kingdom without people to protect," Maya says.

"I understand Maya, carry on," Zuberi says before walking into the palace.

Sofia follows the prince.

"Make sure nobody comes to this party," Zuberi says to two guards, "I don't want anyone messing up my plan."

"His plan?" Sofia says quietly to herself.

"Sofia? What are you doing?" Amber asks quietly as she knows her sister is still on a mission.

"I think Prince Zuberi is behind all this," Sofia says to her sister, "Don't say anything, if you do I won't be successful in my mission and we might lose our friends."

"I was supposed to be King not Nasir," Zuberi says.

The princesses walk back to the back yard and finish help setting up.

"We are ready, I really hope this works," Maya says as she looks at the beautifully decorated yard.

"Me too," Sofia says.

"Where is everyone?" Jun says.

"I'll go check," Sofia says walking back into the castle.

"Princess Sofia, is everything ready?" Queen Anya asks as they pass by each other.

"Yes, but nobody has shown up yet," Sofia sighs.

"Well let's go have the guards allow the citizens to enter," Queen Anya says as they both walk towards the front of the castle.

"Where is everyone? There was a huge line yesterday, Amber and I invited them to the lu'au today," Sofia says as she and Queen Anya look at an empty gate.

"I don't know," the Queen walks up to the guards, "Where are the citizens, the princesses organized a whole celebration in their honor."

"Prince Zuberi said that it was cancelled," the guard says.

"If anyone except Maya said it was cancelled then it is a lie, I order you to take a troop and invite every citizen back to the castle immediately," Queen Anya commands.

"Yes Your Majesty," one of the two guards says and walks off.

"Do you think it will work?" Sofia asks the Queen.

"It should, Nasir always said that his children always come first," the queen responds.

"I hope so," Sofia says.

"I'm going to check on the dessert, why don't you go back and spend time with the princesses before the guests arrive," Queen Anya tells Sofia.

"Yes Your Majesty," Sofia gives a curtsy.

As they part ways Sofia hears a loud crash and runs back to where the lu'au is going to be celebrated. When she walks onto the grass she sees that all the decorations ripped apart and the food is thrown on the floor.

"Amber, what happened?" Sofia asks her sister who is comforting a distressed and crying Maya.

"All the decorations suddenly ripped and the tables turned over dumping all the food on the floor," Amber said as she walks up to Sofia.

"I think I know who did this," Sofia says taking Amber's hand and pulling her aside.

"Who?" Amber whispers.

"In the three years I have known Maya I have never even seen Prince Zuberi at any celebration in Khaldoun," Sofia says.

"Come to think of it I have never even heard Maya talk about him, she said that he supposedly is her long lost Uncle," Amber says questionably.

Sofia looks back at the castle.

"What is it Sofia?" Amber asks her sister.

"Remember when Ms. Nettle tricked us into thinking that she was Sasha the Sorceress?" Sofia asks.

"Yes, but Sofia what does this have to do with Khaldoun?"

"I think that Prince Zuberi is actually someone else."

"Like he is an imposter?" Amber asks.

"Exactly," Sofia confirms.

"What can we do?" Amber asks.

"I need you to ride Skye back to Dunwiddie and get my witch friend Lucinda, she is a good witch and can help fix all this," Sofia passes her hand across the yard.

"What about you?" Amber questions as they walk to the stables where Skye and Minimus are.

"I am going to find out who Prince Zuberi really is," Sofia says determined as she leads Skye out of his stall, "Skye pay close attention to the bow so you remember how to get back here."

"On my honor, My Princess," Skye bows as they leave the stables.

"Okay, good luck Sofia," Amber hugs her sister before getting on Skye.

"Which Way Bow, which way to Enchancia?" Sofia asks so her sister can have a guide.

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