Preparing A Lu'au

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"Do you want to take the coach or a unicorn?" Sofia asks as they walk out of the castle.

"Do you really have to ask that?" Amber says to her sister.

Sofia giggles, "Okay Amber I will call Skye, but this is the only time you can ride him, he is my ride for missions on the Mystic Isles. I can't use him just for fun," Sofia finishes as she calls her unicorn.

"I understand," Amber says as they wait for her ride.

"I'm going to grab Minimus," Sofia says.


Sofia grabs Minimus and walks back to Amber.

"Here he comes," Sofia says as Skye flies down to the Ever Realm.

"Let's go," Amber says as Skye kneels down to make it easier for Amber to get on.

"Which Way Bow, which way to Khaldoun?" Sofia asks pulling back on the string of her bow.

The arrow spins then zips around the corner.

"Come on Amber," Sofia says flicking the reins.

The two princesses follow the magical arrow and land in Khaldoun.

"I'm Princess Sofia and she is Princess Amber, we are the Princesses of Enchancia, can we see Princess Maya?"

"No, nobody can see the royal family," the guard says.

"Let them in, Maya says that they can help with the special party we are hosting," Queen Anya comes down the staircase.

"Yes Your Majesty," the guards bow to the Queen of Khaldoun.

"Queen Anya, thank you so much for letting us in," Amber says as she and Sofia curtsey.

"Well, when Jun came to give us their response I was a little confused and angry until she and Maya explained what was going on. I agree with the Empress, you children are innocent and I'm very proud that you girls have the courage to stand up for what is right," the Queen says as she guides the girls into the back yard of the palace.

"Thank you so much," Amber smiles.

"Maya, Sofia and Amber are here," the Queen calls to her younger daughter.

"Thanks Mom," Maya says.

"I'm going to have the guards put your animals in the sables," Queen Anya says to Sofia and Amber.

"Thank you," Sofia says.

"Thank you so much for coming you guys," Maya says.

"Of course, anything to get everything back to normal," Amber says.

"So, where do we start?" Jun asks.

"Well, what have you decided to serve so far?" Sofia asks.

"In addition to Rozz Me'ammar, we are going to have Koshari, it's very popular. It's a layering of rice, macaroni, lentils, and chickpeas topped off with caramelized onions, thick red sauce, and a garlic/chili/vinegar/ sauce. We also decided on Fattah,  it is a combination of crispy bread, rice, meat and vinegar/tomato sauce," Maya says as some of her servants help set up.

"Is there anything we can do?" Sofia asks.

"Can you and Amber go out and ask each person what they think their biggest achievement this year was? I really want to know," Maya asks her friends.

"Sure thing," Amber asks as she is given a piece of paper and a quill.

The girls do as asked and tell Maya what they found out.

By the time they are finished it became dark and they walk back into the palace.

"It will be hard to get home in the dark, can we sleep here?" Sofia asks.

"Let me ask my mom," Maya says.

"Girls, it is very dark and I don't feel that it is a good idea for you to go home in the dark by yourselves. I sent out messages to your parents that you can sleep here," Queen Anya says as she sees the girls walking through the hall, "I had some of our servants set up some beds in Maya's room."

"Thank you so much," Jun says.

"Come on guys, we better get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow," Sofia says.

Sofia the First: The War and the ProtectorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz