When Your boyfriends a perv.

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Bakugou's POV

As soon as Kiri fell asleep I laid him down and looked around his room noticing the trophy's and pictures he had. In one of the pictures it was Kiri and the group with a face crossed out and judging by the silver hair it was Tetsu. I immediately became upset, this dude played with Kirishima. I looked back at Kiri and slowly calmed down thinking about how I was going to protect him.

I kept looking around the room seeing trophy's for little races. There were a couple pictures of a younger girl who looked to be around 8. On one of the frames it said Selena eijirou. the girl looked exactly like Kiri but she had black hair the same sharp teeth and face structure. 

He placed the picture back and picked up another the poeple in it must've been Kiri's parent sbecause they had black hair and the mom had his crimson eyes while the dad had green eyes. 

I then heard whispering outside the door so I put the picture down and went to check it out.

Denki's POV

As soon as Bakugou went into Kirishima's room we rushed up the stairs and put our ear's against the door to hear what was happening. I had bet that we would hear moans, Sero bet they would talk about each other, while Mina said they would cuddle. We heard Bakugou slightly tease Kirishima so we were all wrong. We waited a couple of minutes before someone swung the door open. Sero and Mina jumped down the stairs while I stood their surprised to see Bakugou staring at me with a look of "you sure do have a death wish huh?

I gulped as I slowly backed up, I then turned and ran as fast as I could down the stairs. 

"Sero" I yelled, whispered 

he stuck his head out from behind the couch and crawled onto the couch i did a run and jump onto him. Making him groan in pain causing me and Mina to laugh. we all fell asleep waiting for the others to come down.


Kirishima's POV 

I woke up to the sound of someone walking towards me. I cracked my eyes open to see Bakugou walking towards me. I opened my arms for a hug, as he walked towards me he rolled his eyes but still came down to my level on the couch and hugged me. I then grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the couch causing both of us to laugh. 

I ran my hands through his hair while he made designs on my back. 

Suddenly he spoke up saying "Let's play a game."

I looked at him in confusion 

He said "Let's play firetruck."

I was so confused "What's that." I propped myself up on my elbows

He smiled and said "my hands a firetruck, ok? and you're the red light when you say red light I stop ok?"

He sat up and put his hand on the back of my thigh and slowly trailed it up to my ass. right before he could touch it I said "red light."

He laughed and said "Firetrucks don't stop at red lights" and continued to grab my ass.

For the love of cars BakukiriWhere stories live. Discover now