Leave me alone.

435 14 5

Kirishima's POV

I woke up with my whole lower body protesting in pain as I fumbled around trying to get in a comfy position. Just moving my arm hurt a bit. UGHHHHHHHH. I patted the spot beside me not wanting to open my eyes. Where'd Katsuki go? 

I huff as I swing my legs over the side of the bed grabbing onto the bed side so I don't topple over. My ass is in so much pain it's not even satisfying to know how to turn Kat in..... 

I sniff the air getting a hint of the smell of Bacon and Eggs! I put on a green crop top T-shirt and some blue skinny jeans. Bomb Bomb wakes up from all the commotion and walks towards his bowl wanting his food, I pour him some kibble and hurriedly ran out the door quickly grabbing some rainbow socks that were stuffed in my black converse and followed the amazing scent of bacon! 

I hear my dad and Kat muttering in the living room, so I totally shouldn't eavesdrop....... Right..... Okay screw it I'm going in. 

"I know but....... hmm I agree one hundred percent. Yes but...."

I could only hear little parts of their of their conversation so I gave up and went to the kitchen to help mum. She's standing at the stove grilling bacon and while she turns to scramble the eggs I steal a piece and run for it knowing she's gonna notice.

"Kirishima Eijiro!" 

I giggle as I run to the garage hastily shutting the door and walked to my little work station in the back. Hmm that's weird I don't remember leaving all my tools out... I guess dad did some work on the vehicles this morning... 

I carefully sit down on the stool trying not to piss off my lower body. I'm gonna make Kat regret what he did! I quickly get to work sketching my plan for the new design I want on a recent car my parents bought.

 I'm gonna make Kat regret what he did! I quickly get to work sketching my plan for the new design I want on a recent car my parents bought

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I think for a car it's shape and size it'll look wicked, just gotta get dad to approve it. I tape the paper to dad's piping that's above his work station and get back to work drawing and sketching my new ideas. 

I'm so invested into my work I don't notice Katsuki walk in and start watching me. I continue shading my drawing when I start getting the odd feeling that someone's staring at me. I look up to see Kat's red gaze look back into mine and smile brightly.

"I'm gonna go fucking blind from that smile." He jokes around.

I huff and make grabby hands at him like a toddler wanting a hug from the angry Pomeranian. 

"Wanna walk Bomb Bomb with me today?" I ask innocently. I know Katsuki doesn't like Bomb Bomb, in fact he hates him but maybe he'll do it for me...?

"Sure." he whispers into my hair as he embraced me in a hug squeezing the crap out of me. We hug for 5 minutes straight before letting go and leaning my back against his chest I continued to work tinkering here and there on a filter I needed to put in a car.

For the love of cars Bakukiriحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن