I was tagged?!

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1. Do I like someone?

Yes, obviously. I'm literally the girl who keeps her eyes peeled for some hotties or cuties. I have like a crush on every guy in school. 

2. Do they like me?

Okay so this is a confusing topic. I'm a little shy person at school and am so a teachers pet. But when I'm with my crushes I swear to god it's like you unleashed a dog. So once we all got drunk and ended up spilling to each other. We haven't acted on it or anything. I don't even know if he remembers so I mean... Maybe? But I'm slowly moving on so hit me up ;)

3. My middle name is Ray. Like a sun's ray. 

4. I hate this question but I'm single, so anyone wanna put a ring on it?

5. The last person I texted was my sister asking if she loved me. She said no...

6. Okay last song I listened to. This is kinda funny because I'm listening to music right now. Fun fact nobodies has spotted me without playing music so far. Here's the song (Personally love it.) 

7. I'm plugged in right now so 100%. Also my OCD got me like it's got be all the way or no way so hnnnnn

8. Girl Best friend: I'll say their name and describe them. Her name is Kristen. But she's the best. Me and her always understood each other and I would fucking die for her. 

9. Boy Best friend: Most of my friends are guys... I can't choose one. Probably Eric, he's Mexican so that's a plus. WE LOVE OUR LATINOS. He's cute and funny so yeah and he's bi so I can literally say ooohhhh that guys cute and his gaydar will say yes or no. 

10. My OTP. Bitch don't even have to ask me Bakushima WTF!

11. I don't even remember why I made this account. I probably made it to read some cute shit and then got sucked in.

12. My current lock screen is a deer. So any animal lovers don't come at me but I hunt and I love deer and also kill them so I mean.... it's a love hate relationship. Here it is...

 Here it is

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13. My birthday is April 30. Fun fact I was almost an entire month early. I was supposed to be born March 22. 

And I tag all of you reading this with my magical Sloth powers. :)

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