Meeting His Parents...

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Bakugou's POV

I woke up and was actually super comfy. I felt like I was in a cloud. I open my eyes and see Kiri resting his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around a stuffed animal. We have a fluffy blanket draped around us. I don't even want to move this is super comfortable. 

Kiri was shifting back and forth between positions and his nose would twitch every once in a while like a mouse. The red head is so cute. Kiri hummed and slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and then his eyes got all watery and he sneezed. He flopped down and grunted. 

"Stupid allergies. Stupid morning." He mumbled

I chuckled and swung my legs over the bed and stretched my arms throwing them over my head and bending them to un-stiffen them. Kiri turned my way and pouted. 

"What are you  giving me puppy eyes for" I muttered

"Carry me?" He asked with a little sad pout.

I rolled my eyes but stood up and picked him up bridal style and carried him downstairs still in our PJ's. I threw him on the couch and pushed him over letting him snuggle into me.

I picked up a note that was on the coffee table and read it.

'To Kirishima or Bakugou (whoever reads it first)

We went out to the store because we noticed we were low on supplies! Yes Kiri were grabbing you your spray paint and no we will not get you and candy. :) 

We'll be back around 10:30.


I scoff as I handed the note to Kiri and watched as his face went from a huge smile to a frown. He sighed and threw the note back on the table and muttered something about Mina being stupid for not getting him candy. 

I threw my arms around him and brought him in an embrace. He looked so cute in this shark onsie. It suited him.

 It suited him

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I pulled his hood down and pecked his cheek then his lips. He smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen and then pecked my cheek. We stayed in each-others arms for what felt like forever. But I didn't care as long as I was holding Ei in my arms.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes again and sniffed before sneezing again. I went to bring him back down but he continued sneezing. After 3 more sneezes his eyes stopped watering and he laid back down. 

"What the fuck?"

"I'm allergic to something outside and I-I .... Achoo!... am gonna die."

"Wait, WHAT!"

I turn to seem him smiling and knew he was joking. That was so not funny. I scowl at him and turn away. Stupid Shitty hair scaring me. What would I do if he did die?I felt myself get all sad. 

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