I blame it on the ice

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Kirishima's POV

When I woke up I was all stiff and needed to stretch. I slowly got up off Kat and checked to make sure I didn't wake him up. I walked around to wake up my legs I guess they fell asleep a while ago because I can't feel a thing. I'm not even walking I'm stomping around like a dinosaur. I grip the counters and chairs to help me stand up. 

I grab a loose chair and end up on the floor with a loud THUD. 


I had fallen on my butt and back and my legs were still asleep! Good thing I didn't feel the fall that much...

I hear laughing and look to see everybody looking at me laughing!

"Don't laugh at me!" I pout

Denki and Mina come and sit on my legs and stomach. 

"I can't really feel anything... My legs are asleep..."

Denki picks up one of my legs and drops it and looks at me for my reaction but I didn't feel anything. I shrug and roll over, making Mina fall off and lay next to me. 

"I can't stand up..." 

Sero and Denki then lay down and make room for Kat to lay down next to me. He rolls his eyes and then lays down next to me and wraps and arm around me and closes his eyes. We all lay there looking at the metal and concrete roof thinking about our lives. 

My main thought is about Kat's family I kinda wanna meet them...

Are their personality's like his all explodey and kill people or his he the opposite and are they super sweet and caring and love everybody? Does he look like his mom or dad? What's his house like? DOES HE HAVE ANY PETS? I WANT A PET! IS HE A DOG OR CAT PERSON?! OMG if he likes cats more than dogs I have to break up with him...

"Kiri I can see your gears turning what are you thinking about?" Kat asks

"Nothing..." I mutter

"I've never seen you so concentrated what are you thinking about?"

By now everyone's looking at me curiously. 

"Do you like dogs or cats better? Answer carefully." I say

"Cats?" He asks questionably

Everybody gasps and I look at him in utter horror.

"You're telling me you like the little demon fluff balls?!" I ask

"Sorta?" He mutters 

I sit up and stare at him.

"I don't think we can date anymore..." I say

"Are you serious?" He asks looking horrified. 

"No." I giggle "But I need to to teach you right and wrong. Starting off with cats they are utterly wrong. Repeat it."

"Why? There little fluffy things they're kinda like dogs..." Kat mumbles

"Repeat it!" Mina shouts

"Why do you hate cats?"

"We've all had bad experiences with them!" Denki screams.

"Oh really prove it!"

We all pointed at our scars from them. I pointed at the one right below my right eyebrow where a cat had scratched me when I was holding it when I was younger. Denki and Sero pointed at their arms where they have theirs, and Mina pointed at her knee where a cat had clawed her like a beast.

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