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Bakugou's POV 

I held Kiri close to my chest playing with his hair, twirling it between my fingers and blowing it out of his face. I was thinking about things I could take Kiri to. Should I take him on a date, do I have time? I need to see my parents soon, I also have to kill Tetsu soon...

Kiri started to stir and raised his head from my chest, he rubbed his eyes with his hands and yawned. 

"What times is it?" He mumbled

"It's currently 5 in  the afternoon."

He groans and lifts his body off of mine. He slowly makes his way to his bathroom and I hear the shower start. I walk in behind him and hug him from behind. He reaches his hand back and plays with my hair. I nuzzle closer to him and let him do what he's doing because fuck that feels good. He walks out of the embrace and gets in the shower. I jump in and start washing off.

We both finish and dry off together. I sit on his bed and lay back. I'm tired. 

"Awww is somebody tired?" He pecks my cheek and runs to the closet grabbing clothes for both of us. He throws on some denim shorts,  a white tank top, and a matching denim jacket with a rose on the back. He then throws me some jeans, a white tank top and a denim Jacket with a snake on the back.

"Were matching? How cute."

He blushes and then rolls his eyes and heads downstairs. I quickly change and follow close behind and see the others have the radio on and are 'working on cars' more like dancing and fooling around. Kiri giggles and soon starts mumbling the lyrics. I watch as each of them dance and laugh. Pinky and Kiri are hip bumping while Pikachu and Sero are two stepping. I laugh at them as I watch them be idiots.

I can't help but stare at Kiri's ass when him and Pinky rock their hips back and forth to the beat and bump them together laughing.  I mentally slap myself and look away. I watch pikachu and Sero try to do a line dance, Kiri and Mina soon join in and they're failing at a cowboy dancing line. 

Kiri and Pinky start whispering to each other and then take off to the other room. The music stops and all of a sudden spice girls Wannabe starts playing.

Kiri and Pinky are holding tools as microphones and are actually dancing together in rhythm. Me, Pikachu, and Sero are all sitting down laughing at the show their putting on for us. Kiri rolls his hips with Pinky and bump hips together. It's like he's put me in a trance I can't look away. Soon the song finishes and they're both panting and sweaty. 

Ei comes and sits on my lap pecking my cheek while doing so. The others awww and I just roll my eyes, have they never seen affection? It's me and Kiri's turn to cook but honestly we both don't feel like it so we order takeout from some Chinese restaurant across the street. We watch a movie as we wait for the food to arrive and most of them end up falling asleep. Me, Kiri, and Pinky are awake. 

I play with Ei's hair and blow his face. He scrunches up his nose and sneezes the cutest sneeze ever! His eyes get watery and he sneezes 3 more times before laying down and pouting, jutting out his bottom lip. I lay down next to him and peck his bottom lip and then his nose and he smiles a big bright smile that blinds my eyes. 

For the love of cars BakukiriHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin