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Bakugou's POV

I woke up at 7:30 and felt like a zombie. I had the fluff butt in my face when I woke up he had been cuddling Kiri while he hit me in the face with his tail. Whatever as long as Ei had cuddles I was fine. Should I make him come to school with me? Nah he had a long night last night. I write a note saying I went back to my house to get ready for school and that I'll see him later tonight around 5-ish. 

On the walk back to my house I saw the gang that cat called Ei and tried my best to ignore them but I couldn't stop myself from glancing at them every once in a while as I passed by. it was a group of about 6 guys and they were in a alleyway smoking. The guy who appeared to be the leader had reddish hair, and green eyes. He had muscles way more than me but that would make him slow on his feet so I could probably win a fight against him. I'll remember that.

I arrive at my my house and prepare myself for the hell waiting inside...

I open the door and see my father sitting at the table and my mother in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Oi brat, where have you been?" His mom asks form the kitchen.

"Staying at a friends house. I told you that."

"You've been gone for days Katsuki Bakugou."

"Yeah I know." I deadpan.

"Something you want to tell us?"  My father asks


I head upstairs and change into my school uniform, grab my schoolbag and quickly grab toast before I'm rushing out the door speed-walking to school. 

"Hey Bakugou!" I turn and see Pikachu and Sero walking towards me and stop walking.

"You go hear to?" Sero asks.

"What does it look like?" 

"Somebodies grumpy today." Pikachu says with a snicker. 

"Probably because he had to leave Kiri." 

I scowl and speed up trying to ditch the fuckers but they follow me and won't shut up until we get in class. 

The class is boring as usaul. I can't believe me and the others never noticed each-other in our classes we have almost all of them together...

Aside from their non-stop talking they're not to bad to hang out with... I guess....

The school bell rings and I jump up heading home to get ready to see my baby Kiri. 

Kirishima's POV 

Today has been so boring. I woke up at 8 to a cold bed and was surprised to a note from Kat saying he had to go to school and that he'll see me later. I spent the day fooling around and fixing cars. I helped my dad with simple tasks like changing air filters,  oil,  or even changing a tire. Things like that while my mom was taking business calls.

I hate to admit it but I don't think my parents have moved on from my sister's death. Ever since it happened they're zombies who only do work. We don't even celebrate Holidays together anymore. 

I go to my room and turn the radio on playing strip that down and start dancing with Bomb Bomb. I didn't even notice the door open or See Kat walk in and close the door. I swing my hips and hold Bomb Bomb as I twirl and giggle as he bounces up and down in my arms.

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