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(So Important note I never really told you guys what Kiri's house looked like! So the picture above is reused shipping containers and that's what Kiri's house is made of. It's just less fancy and more garage.)

Kirishiam's POV 

I hated this. Me and Kat haven't even made it official yet, what were we? Kat hasn't seen his parents in days, he hasn't even gone to school, I mean neither have I but I've given up on school. My parents know and support me. I told them my idea. They've seen me drag race and understand that I'm good and can make my living off of it. They might not like the idea but they know I'll be fine. We pull up into my home and I sit in the car and lay my head back. 

There's so much to think about. Am I really just a pretty face? Is that all I am? My feelings were hurt. I've never seen Mina act like that so I know what Dabi said was bad and it pissed her off. What was all he said? Is Kat mad at me?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the window. I looked out to see Kat. I sighed and opened the door and jumped out of my car. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me.

"He's never gonna touch you. I won't let that happen. You're too important to me.I love you Ei"

As those words spilled out of his mouth I wanted to cry. Before I knew it I felt the warm liquid streaming down my face as I sobbed into his shoulder. Mina, Denki, and Sero were gonna be here any minute so I separated myself from Bakugou and made my way upstairs to my room. I was tired. 

I laid down on my bed and curled into the blankets and pillows. I grabbed my stuffed shark and held him close to my chest. I smiled remembering how I got him from my sister for my birthday. My sister passed away 3 years ago she was 8 when it happened. My father, mother, and her went and were going on a trip to see family I was gonna meet up with them there I had to finish some cars for a job. The same day I got a call and my parents who were crying they were on a bridge and they couldn't save her. I don't blame them. I don't blame anybody. It all happened I spent the next half year sulking around and I wouldn't touch a car, I was to scared. My friends tried cheering me up but I slowly became myself again but I wanted to change. I died my hair red, and became more confident. This shark stuffed animal was the last gift from her. 

I hugged the shark and drifted off to sleep thinking about what to do with my life.

Bakugou's POV

Kiri is one of the strongest and most stubborn people I know. So as he started crying I knew something was up. I immediately let him go knowing he didn't want his friends to see him like this and let him go to his room. When Pikachu, pinky, and Sero came I told them Kiri went to bed because he was tired and that I'd see them tomorrow, but in a less nice way than you're thinking...

I went to check on Kiri and saw him asleep cuddled into blankets and pillows. It looked like he was in a nest full of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. He was holding a stuffed shark close to his chest and he was looking super cute with his mouth slightly open and his chest going up and down evenly. I was truly in love with the masterpiece in front of me.  

I climbed up next to him and watched him make faces in his sleep. He would slightly smile and then frown, or even open his mouth like he was in shock. Suddenly he moved closer to me and hid his face into the crook of my neck and wrapped his hands around my chest bringing me into an embrace. I chuckled and brought my hands around his waist. We were both in our dirty clothes but I couldn't care less. I had the boy of my dreams in my arms and I was gonna keep it that way. I slowly drifted off to sleep hearing Kiri's even breathes and feeling his warmth envelop mine. 

Kirishima's POV

I had the weirdest dream that night. I was running from Tetsu in a forest and then I ran into Bakugou who then held my hand and then gave me to Tetsu tricking me. Tetsu then took me to Dabi in a cell like car. On the way there all I did in the dream was beg and cry. Bakugou was in the front with Tetsu and he was just smiling bigger and wider the more I cried. When we arrived to Dabi's car palace it was insane everybody was mental and attacking each other. I was so scared. Dabi was sitting atop a throne and had people surrounding him.  He beckoned me forward like a dog and had me locked onto a leash. He came to me and licked my tears off and would hold me like Bakugou did. 

I woke up in sweat. I was panting like a dog. I jumped out of the bed and walked back and forth through the room running my hands through my hair. That was the weirdest and scariest dream I've ever had. I was so freaked out and scared I didn't not Bakugou staring at me. 

"Baby you okay."

I jumped at the sound and slipped landing on my butt. 

"Owwwwwww" I got up and rubbed where it hurt hoping it would make the pain go away. Kat was laughing the whole time. I put my best puppy eyed pout and said

"Don't laugh at me."

"Awww baby I'm sorry come here, did you have a nightmare." he opened his arm into an embrace and I nodded walking into his arms where he held me. He kissed my forehead, both cheeks, and my nose before kissing my lips. I giggled before hiding my face in his chest. I felt way better than I did yesterday, Kat just did those kind of things. He made me feel better in seconds. I was truly in love with this angry, sweet, crazy Pomeranian man. 

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