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I'm trying a different writing style so.... We'll see how it goes 👍🤞👌

"I love youuuuuuuu." Kirishima yells across the hallway to Bakugou.

"I love you too, you dumb-ass." Bakugou says with a roll of his eyes.

"Mwah." Kiri says while blowing him kisses from his spot on the couch. 

Bakugou stomps over to Kirishima and lays next to him with a huff.

"If you really are gonna blow me kisses expect me to come give you a real one you tease." Bakugou whispers pressing kisses along Kirishima's  cheeks and nose and then giving him a faint kiss on the lips. 

"That wasn't even a real kiss." Kiri says with a pout. 

"Oh, please you big baby." Bakugou grunts. 

Kiri then gets up straddling Bakugou's hips and kissing him on the lips with lust and need. Katsuki swiftly grabs Kiri's thigh with a harsh squeeze making him whine. 

"Do. Not. Make. Me. Turned. On." Bakugou warns.

"Who said I was trying to do that?" Kiri asks innocently. He then quickly pecks Kats lips and gets up heading to the kitchen to grab a snack. They'd been waiting for the group for the past 30 minutes distracting themselves with Bomb Bomb the fluff-kin but got bored after he ran to take a nap. 


Bakugou groans pulling himself off the couch heading to the garage to give the others a scolding for being late and worrying Kirisunshine like that. The other came out of their cars holding bags of take out. Ok maybe he can forgive them if they brought food... MAYBE.....

(Time skip brought to you by Bomb Bomb.)

"GET YO DOG BITCH!" Denki screams while squealing as he's chased around by the livid mini dog who's barking at him like crazy.

"He don't bite." Kirishima says with a smile. 

"YES HE DO." Denki screeches like a banshee as he shows a bite mark imprinted in his hand.

Kirishima then picks up the dog taking him upstairs and locks him in the room so he doesn't bite anyone else. While he's doing that Pinky bombards Bakugou with questions. 

"Did you find out who hijacked his car?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't somebody we know, it's a complete stranger who was jealous." 

"Hmmmm. Maybe it was a set up?" Pinky asks suspicious of the situation. 

"Could've been." Sero agrees.

"Whatever, but one things for sure whoever did is gonna regret it." Bakugou says with a nod.

"Agreed." The others say in unison.

Suddenly Kirishima comes bounding down the stairs with a huge smile.

"GUYS I HAVE AN AMAZING IDEA!" He shrieks while doing jazz hands. 

Everybody turns in confusion to the red head waiting for his answer.

"WERE GONNA HAVE AN AWESOME SLEEPOVER!" He hollers jumping up and down excitedly.

"Kirishima Eijiro! You just busted my ear drum! But I LIKE THAT IDEA!" Pinky squeals joining Kirisunshine in his little jumping dance. 

"Sounds cool." Pikachu agrees.

Now I'm a little grump because I have to share Eijiro longer than usual with these damn extras! 

"Whatever." I somewhat whisper.

For the love of cars BakukiriTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang