Ice Cream

360 13 8

Bakugou's POV

After the whole Motorcycle incident we've been lounging around the house cuddling and watching movies. I have no clue how many movies we've watched all I know is my eyes are watery from the bright screen...

"Guys I can't stand another movie" Kiri pouts out

Pinky, Sero, and Pikachu are on the long couch paying attention to the movie while me and Kiri are cuddled onto a single chair. Throughout the movie we've been sneaking glances and kisses at each other.  

"Not my problem." Pinky mumbles out, trying to paying attention to the movie.

"Just get Bakubro to take you upstairs and you guys can have your fun..." Pikachu mumbled.

Kiri squeaks and goes all red. 

"The fuck that supposed to mean dunce face!" I say it less angry than I expected I guess I'm little thankful they made Kiri flustered I love seeing him all red, plus it's cute when he can't say anything and just stutters. 

All 3 of the idiots look our where and give us an 'we aren't stupid face'. I "Tch" and roll my eyes. But Kiri is stumbling on his words and his face is almost as red as his hair.

"I-I'm gonna g-go get a snack!" He squeaks running away.

I glare at them, now my heat source is gone. I get up after Kiri to see that he's looking in the freezer. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. 

"Kat you almost made me drop the Ice cream!" He says pouting

"Not my problem now is it." I smirk 

I get an idea and reach for my phone and start playing some Classic music. I grab Kiri's hand and press our fronts together. Pressing one of my hands on his hips I hold the other and start waltzing around the room. These are the small moments I absolutely crave for with Kiri. I crave that sunshine-like smile, it drives me crazy. I crave his touch I think this boy is driving me insane. 

We continue to waltz around the room smiling like dorks and staring onto each others eyes. Kiri leans onto my shoulder and nestles his head into my shirt getting comfy. 

"Kat I left the fridge open..."

He leaves my arms and goes back to the freezer pulling out Popsicle's and ice cream. I quickly turn the music off of my phone and then continue watching the red head. He grabs two bowls and shoves tons of vanilla ice cream into them. He then gets an orange Popsicle and crushes it before spreading it allover the ice cream. He does the same to the other one but with a red Popsicle.

I gawk at what this red head just did....that just happened.....

He grabs spoons before handing me the bowl with orange in it. I watch as he eats it and melts into the kitchen stool. I shrug and dig in. It wasn't that bad.... It tasted the same other than the orange taste. It was like a slushie with ice cream....

"How'd you come up with this idea?" I ask

"My life revolves around food, have you not noticed?" He pretend scoffs and looks away.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

I sit next to him and we continue eating our little snacks. I turn to Kiri see he's shivering his lips are blue. I on instinct grab him and rub his hands with mine to try to warm him up. He looks at me smiling and giggling.

"Kat, I'm fine I just am not very tolerant to the cold this happens all the time when I eat Ice Cream." 

I mentally sigh in relief. 

"I thought you were sick or somethin..."

Kiri giggles again and hugs me tightly.

"I'm glad you care for me Bakubear!"

"W-what did you call me?"

He looks at me all flustered.

"I umm didn't mean to say that, it was ummman accident... You're just so soft and cuddly like a teddy bear so I... Ummm thought of the name Bakubear..." He looked away and hides his face in his hands.

"Holy shit that was cute." I mumble 

He squeaks and I realize I just said that out loud.... Shit!

"Fuck" I murmur under breathe.

He giggles and turns back to me with his rosy cheeks. He has a goofy smile that somehow manages to make me smile, slightly. 

Suddenly I was pushed to the floor. What the heck?! I look up and see the gorgeous on top of me. He's straddling my hips and has his hands on my chest keep him propped upright. He's lightly smiling and looks like an absolute angel. The sun hits his hair perfectly and looks like a halo around his head. His eyelashes are fluttering. I've never noticed before how long they were... His eyes are like fire with orange sparks and catch the attention of my eyes. 

"Your eyes are pretty." I whisper.

He looks at me and smirks. Oh so now somebody has guts and isn't flustered, hmmmm. I'm gonna test this right now...

I rest my hand against his cheek and run my thumb along his sharp, shark-like teeth. He closes his mouth and lightly sucks on my thumb all the while staring right at me. He holds my shirt with one hand and then lets go of my thumb and licks up and down my middle finger. He hums when he starts sucking the tip and then slowly goes down on it all the way. He slides back to the top and pops off smirking. 

I'm shocked. (sister shook) 

He's never done anything like this!

"I think my lips are warm now." He says jokingly with a smirk.

He sits up from his position on me and goes back to his bowl of ice cream and continues eating his snack.  I'm dumbfounded at what just happened. My mouth is slightly agape at what I just saw. I'm shocked but slightly turned on...

I get up off the floor and grab my dish putting it in the dishwasher I glance at Kiri whose looking out the window staring at something. He looked like an innocent angel and now he's like a little sexy slut. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED! WHY AM I SO SHOCKED! 

I walk up to him and pepper kisses along his jaw and neck. He turns to me and smiles and pecks my lip before going to put his dish in the dishwasher. I head back to the others who are still watching their movie. 

I hop back onto the chair and bring Kiri into my lap snuggling, and cuddling him.

"Bakubear" He whispers with a smirk.

I huff and continue watching the movie. Soon Kiri's asleep in my lap with his head leaned back against my shoulder. I press a kiss to his temple and lean back letting sleep overtake me.

Okay sorry this was short it was a little filler...  I'm working on a long detailed chapter but I keep restarting it and so I'm taking a little break and writing some cute little chapters, I guess I'll write a chapter where Bakugou meets Kiri's mom and dad? Idk... 😊👌💕😁✨🌹😃😆❤💖🙌👍👌

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