Little Trouble Maker Pt. 2

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A/N: Another shorter update! Sorry, yall. I've been short on time for the past 2 days. Another chapter will be uploaded tonight!

Sero has no idea how he ended up 'babysitting' their tiny resident hothead, but he's glad he didn't decline the request. He wasn't sure of how he'd do spending several hours with him in his current state (little in both ways) since he didn't have any younger siblings or any experience with young children except for the fact that he used to be one. On this particular Sunday evening, however, he'd mostly just lounged around with the tiny blonde and watched him color or play with his many toys. At some point they even played Cops and Robbers (Sero being the criminal, of course, because Katsuki was gonna be the number one hero when he grew up) and Sero allowed him to chase him around the common room in an attempt to lasso him.

In the end, Katsuki just shot him to death.

Sero says that's not how cops react to a burglar. Katsuki responds by telling him that it's how they treat brown people in America aaaaand things took a really dark turn. Sero asks him where he got that information from, and Katsuki says that he's been watching the morning and evening news with Izuku. The older boy definitely doesn't think it's an appropriate line of conversation for a five year old, but he digresses and steers the conversation to something less grim.

"You wanna watch a movie, bud?"

Katsuki instantly lights up, so cute and precious as his little feet exactly run and bounce around in place as he squeals with excitement. Hanta can't contain the grin that breaks out over him.

"Dinosaur! Dinosaur!"

"You wanna watch The Good Dinosaur?"

"Y-Yes, please!"

"Okay baby, get your blankies and pillows and I'll get some snacks for you."

Katsuki nods hard enough that it almost tilts him over, running over to the corner where his things are folded as Sero busies himself with making popcorn and grabbing cookies and a pack of gummy candy from the cubbard. He finishes off his array with a Capri Sun pouch and kicks the fridge closed, walking back into the common area to see that the boy has already made himself comfortable in the pile of blankets and pillows. He's got the remote in his hand, scrolling through the Netflix menu to find the movie he's looking for.

He sits the tray down in front of the boy who gasps at the sight of both cookies and candy as Sero takes a seat next to him.

"But daddy said---"

"Shhh. Let this be a secret between you and I. If you don't tell your papa, I won't either."

But if Katsuki tries to throw him under the bus, he's gonna lie his ass off and make sure that little fucker gets the timeout corner for at least an hour.


Katsuki's crying.

It's understandable really, it's such a sad part in the movie. Not as sad at The Lion King but still sad. He reaches over to rub the little blonde's back to soothe him. 

"You okay, baby?"

He sniffles and wipes at his eyes.

"H-He can't find h-his m-mama."

"I see, baby."

A sharp hiccup before he sobs again.


"Oh, sweetie, it's okay. Do you want a hug?" Katsuki nods, crawling into Sero's lap to cry into his chest until he falls asleep, leaving Sero to finish the movie on his own.

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