How Deep Is Your Love Pt. 2

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A/N: Might make this 4 parts because why the fuck not. Who do you guys think the stalker is and why?


A blonde fluff peeks it's head out from beneath a mountain of blankets, bourbon eyes peering out with an obvious disinterest in leaving the man made nest of comfort. Tenya knows getting him to leave it won't be an easy task, but it's a responsibility he's willing to take on. After all, it's the least he can do to give Shouto a break from the twenty-four hour shifts he's been pulling.

The half-and-half hero looks as if he's been thrown into a blender twice. It took all they had for them to convince him to get some sleep and allow them to take care of Katsuki but he finally gave way to fatigue and the rest of the class split responsibilities between them to make sure he's properly cared for in his daddy's absence.

"It's bath time, Katsuki."

The scowling boy does little but knit his brows together and disappear into his blanket nest. With a sigh, Tenya squats next to the heaping pile.

"Katsuki. Can you please come out for bath time?"

Nothing. Not even a twitch.

"Not even for a cookie?"

A pause. Not even a moment later, the boy pokes his head out again.

"W-what kind of cookie?"

"Double chocolate chip. And if you're good for me, I'll make it two."

He seems skeptical. "Forreals?"

Tenya smiles. "Absolutely. I'll even pinky promise." He holds out his pinky to Katsuki and the boy eyes it wearily. Tenya's okay with that. Trust is something that takes time to earn.

What he doesn't expect is for Katsuki to bypass his pinky altogether and tackle him into a hug.

It nearly knocks him off balance but he recovers quickly, balancing himself by returning the hug. There's a cocktail of emotions stirring within him, and the one that wins out is pure excitement.

And maybe a mix of pride and adoration.

He tightens his embrace around the blonde boy, a happy and healthy flush on his face.

"You---you didn't accept my promise."

Katsuki shrugs. "Ten always keeps his promises."

Not Gran Gran.


He called him Ten.

Iida's going to have a heart attack.

"Oh hey, you got him to come out for a bath." Ochako comes around the corner and nearly has Iida jumping out of his skin. "Would you maybe make a bit more noise next time, please?" He says, taking a hand away from the hug to adjust his glasses. Ochako gives him a halfhearted apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your moment."

"I don't know what you're referring to."

"Sure you don't. Why else would you be cuddling him in the middle of the common room floor?"

"This---This isn't cuddling!"

There's a prod to his side and he remembers that Katsuki is, in fact, seated in his lap. He looks down to see him pouting again, chin pressed against Tenya as he looks up at him with an expression borderlining on bored.

"Ten. Cookie."

"Oh, yes! Right! You may have them after your bath. It wouldn't be good to eat before going into the tub."

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