Chapter 2

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"What makes you our best chance at defeating Deucalion?" Peter asked raising his eyebrow

I smirked, "Because he won't kill me, he can't"

"What do you mean he can't" Peter questioned intrigued

Leaning closer I seductively whispered in his ear, "It's a secret"

Peter quickly grabbed my wrist's flipping us, so we were laying down on the couch, Peter on top pinning my wrist's above me head smirking, "We can't have you being a tease now, can we?"

Before he got the chance to move or speak again I flipped us back over, so I was on top, "I wouldn't try that again if I were you, sweetheart. I'm faster than you, stronger than you, and smarter than you" I warned menacingly.

Believer by Imagine Dragons, my ringtone, started playing so, I got off of Peter walking over to the desk, where my phone was.

"Hellooooo" I answered

"Vanessa?" Ethan asked sounding worried

"Yeah, it's me. What happened? Are you ok?" I questioned

"Duke found the mercenary you hired, he doesn't know who hired her though" Ethan said before pausing, "She wouldn't give up that information no matter how much he tortured her. You really have a way with getting people to be loyal to you no matter what they do, or who they are" he noted almost sounding proud.

I smiled, "I guess I do, don't I?" then asked seriously "What's Duke got planed for Braeden, he would kill her straight away if he didn't want something from her?"

"I don't know yet, but when I find out I'll let you know" he said

"Thank you, Ethan. You're putting your life on the line for me, I can't thank you enough. I promise, I'll get you and Aiden out of this mess safely as soon as I can" I told him

"Don't make promises you can keep. I'm doing this because I trust you and I can't stand the thought of more innocent people dying because they get caught in the cross-fire. Be careful, Vanessa" Ethan announced

"You're a good kid, Ethan. Stay safe" I said hanging up

Turning around I walked back over letting myself fall onto the lounge letting out a dramatic defeated sigh.

From the corner of my eye I saw Peter looking at me curious, as if trying to solve a puzzle.

"What's with the look, Hale?" I asked

"Your different" he answered simply, when I raised my eyebrow he continued, "Why are you helping us? What do you get out of it?"

"I'm helping because Derek asked me to and I owe Derek a debt I'd rather not owe. And I get to take down Deucalion" I told him honestly

He looked at me even my curious, "Why would you want to kill Deucalion?"

"I don't want to kill because that would make me no better than him, I just want him to pay for what he did" I explained

"What did he do?" Peter asked

I glanced at him then to my feet, "Just after Deucalion was first blinded, he wanted the most beautiful women he had ever seen to join his pack, but she refused. Duke's persistent, the women feel in love with him and he found her intriguing. He got the women pregnant he stayed with her through all of it made her feel cared for and loved, he killed her before she even got the chance to hold her baby girl in her arms. Duke said he found it poetic, 'one life ending in return one life begins'" I said with tears streaming down my face.

Peter wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest comforting me, in return I wrapped my arms around his waist. We stayed in this position for a few silent minutes until Peter spoke up.

"The baby girl's you, isn't she?" he asked softly

I nodded into his chest, pulling back to meet his eyes that were filled with sympathy, sorrow, understanding and a hint of anger all mixed together creating a storm in his normally emotionless eyes.

"He killed my mother before she even got to hold me in her arms, before I ever got to meet her. He used her, got her pregnant then killed her and abandoned me, I'll never forgive that monster for what he did" I spat out with venom lacing each word

He looked at me, "That's why Deucalion won't kill you, because he's your dad"

I scoffed shaking me head, "That man may be my father, but he will never be my dad"


I started this fanfic yesterday and I've already written up 10 chapters. Hope you like it.

XXX- Abbie Jade

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