Chapter 25

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"Come on, lets go get some coffee" 

"I cant leave her, V" Derek replies looking at his sister

Slowly I stand up grasping his hand, "Derek, you look like shit. You haven't eat or drank anything, come on, one coffee wont hurt" 

"Gee thanks" Derek scoffs looking up to me, holding all his emotions in his eyes, then down to our hands lightly running his thumb over my skin

"I told her I wouldn't leave" he says quietly

I nodded understanding, "It's ok Der, I'll go get us one, okay?"

A ghost of a smile made its way to Derek lips, "Thank you, I'll have-"

"Long black with one sugar" I answered with a small smile of my own

"You remembered?" Derek asked softly

"I remembered" I nod giving his hand a light squeeze 

Looking away I walk out of the room down the hallway to the closest coffee machine taking my time to make a Derek's long black and a latte for myself.


I jump looking at a tree branch which had just smashed through a nearby window, the savage wind howls through the now broken window making the air drop a few degrees. 

Nurse's rush up and down the corridor helping patients and visitors to safety.

"Cora" I whisper in realisation, I drop the two boiling hot coffees rushing to Derek's little sister

I skid to a stop in front of Cora's room witnessing her through up a black blood with white specks, "Mistletoe" I breath out before everything starts to fade to black


My eyes slowly flutter open, my head spinning all I can make out is the worried voices of my friends, particularly Stiles, "What's happening to her? Why hasn't she woken up? Is she dead?"

"You can't get rid of me that easily" I crock out with a ghost of a smirk playing on my lips

"Oh thank god you're ok" Peter lets out a sigh of relief

"Yeah with no thanks to you" Derek scoffs

Peter cocks his head in Derek's direction, "And what is that supposed to mean"

"Well you didn't exactly seem to distraught that your girlfriend was in and out of consciousness, did you" Derek retorts

Peter stands up sizing up his nephew, "Says the one that was sleeping with the killer"

"Your right, I fucked up, but she wasn't the only girl I screwed" Derek replied a sly smirk, "Maybe if you were actually a decent boyfriend she wouldn't of-"

"Derek!" I growl flashing my alpha red eyes warning him to keep his mouth shut 

"She wouldn't of what!?" Peter scowled 

"Then maybe Vanessa wouldn't of came to me begging for affection and attention. For someone that would show how much they cared for her, to not just fuck her but to make love to her. To be loved in the way someone as broken as you will never be able to" Derek spat venom lacing his words 

My heart broke as the tension filled the air, "Peter" I whispered not being able to meet his eyes 

"SHUT UP! I don't want to here a single word from your lying mouth" Peter raged, "When we get out of her, I want you gone. You pack up you things and go and you will never return or I'll rip out your heart, but I doubt you have one"

So that's the lil secret V had, she slept with Derek. I couldn't think of anyway for this secret to come out no matter how many times I rewrote this its still sooo bad.

XXX- Abzy J

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