Chapter 22

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"God I love you"

My heart was pounding in my chest, with the power of those four little words time had seemed to freeze.

"What?" I breathed out not believing my own ears

Peter looked at me with some much emotion in his eyes, "I love you" he repeated with a smile on his lips

"I- Peter- I- uh" I struggled to get out a sentence as he let out a little laugh

"You don't have to say it back, ok. I don't ever want you to say it unless you mean it. I just wanted you to know how I felt" Peter said the smile still playing on his lips as he kissed my forehead

"Thank you. I-I have to go. I- um have to do- uh something, but thank you" I managed to spit out while rushing out of Derek's loft





I ran. Blood pumped through my veins, my heart beating as if it was about to take flight as I ran through the reserve.

Thoughts swirled in my brain.

He loves me. Why? Why would he love someone like me? How could he love someone like me? Do I love him?  What even is love?  How is love meant to feel? I know I like him, but love? Isn't it to soon?

I ran as fast as I could until my legs were burning, screaming for me to stop.

Only when I heard water trickling down stream did I stop taking in the view of the beautiful little creek.

Dropping to my knees I cried, I cried because I didn't know what to do and I hated myself for it.

I need to tell him I thought, If I tell him now I'm just going to hurt him, but if i don't the guilt will eat me alive.

I let out a frustrated scream as I punch the ground below. 

I punched and punched, screaming and wailing until i heard the undeniable sound of a breaking bone, blood smeared across my knuckles.


**1 Hour Later**

"Where have you been" Peter asked not looking up from his book

I leaned against the door frame as I let out a shaky breath "I needed to clear my head" I replied looking up at the man who was on my bed, "I'm sorry for running out on you like that, it's just... no ones ever said that to me before - hell I ain't ever even had a damn family" I scoffed

Peter slowly put down his book, making his way over to me, wrapping his arms around me "You do now sweetheart. Derek, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison and Issac all care about you, ok. I care about you. Weather you like it or not we're your family now and we're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. I've got you no matter what"

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