Chapter 17

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"Hey pup" I said to Isaac, "Boyd" I greeted with a small nod.

Isaac smile giving me a hug, "Hey Nessy"

I rolled my eyes, "Do NOT call me that" I told him with a small shove

Boyd smirked giving me a 'sup' nod.

"What's wrong with Scott? Is he getting better?" Isaac asked seriously

I looked at the boys sadly, "We think it's a somatoformic wound. The wounds psychological, he isn't healing because Derek died, and he blames himself. Allison's stitching him up now, we think if he can believe it actually healing it might do just that, heal"

Isaac looked pissed, "It's all their fault. Scott's not healing because of them. Him" he started stomping off towards Ethan.

Before I could do anything, Boyd had his arms wrapped around me preventing me from moving, "He needs to do this"

Even though I'm an Alpha and that would usually make me stronger, he has a lot of built up rage towards the twins, towards Ethan, which makes him stronger than me in this very moment.



*Isaac's POV*

I couldn't control the anger I felt towards the twins, all I knew was them, the Alpha pack, were the cause of all of this.

They killed the girl that saved me, they killed Erica, and Derek. Now Scott is dying too.

They can't get away with this.

With all the power I had in me I grabbed the side of Ethan's head slamming it into the side of the tree.

The sound of bones breaking rand through my ear's and it made me happy. When did I become this person, that like's the sound of someone in pain.

With each punch my humanity started to slip away, my vision becoming black with rage. The sound of Ethan's bones breaking under my fist's filled my ears. The screaming, yelling and pleas to stop from Vanessa, Danny, Coach, the team, all fading out.

I couldn't control it, I could feel my nails start to pierce into my palms, and the yellow glow fighting its way into my usually brown eye's.

"ISAAC!" Scott's voice wrung though, pulling me out of my trans, my anger faded and the werewolf affects sub-sided


"ISAAC!" Scott voice yelled in an Alpha tone

I looked back to Isaac, who had seemed to stop listening to Scott's command

My jaw fell,

That's why Deucalion want's Scott. He's becoming a true Alpha and Isaac is shifting his loyalty from Derek to him.

Why are writers always so cold?

Because they're surrounded by drafts! 

Ahaha. Lame joke, but oh well.

XXX- Abbie Jade

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