Chapter 4

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Derek sat down on the lounge in a defeated state

While Peter started explaining not being able to meet my eyes.

I took a step away walking over to sit on the lounge as well.

"He was talking to them. Something about time running out" Peter said

Isaac looked at the floor saddened then to Derek and me, "What does it mean?"

"He's gonna kill them" Derek stated looking at Peter

I shook my head, something wasn't adding up

"No, no, no, no, no, he didn't say that. He did make them a promise that by the full moon that they'd both be dead" Peter told him

Derek looked concerned asking, "The next full moon?"

"Tomorrow night" Peter said confirming.

I got up pacing, "Deucalion wants you, Derek, in his pack. By doing that he needs to get rid of your old one" I announced

"So, what, he's just going to kill them?" Isaac asked

I shook my head, "No, no, no. That's not Deucalion's style, he—he's a perfectionist, he builds his pack on perfection by getting the best of the best, the strongest, the rarest to join. With the twins he made them turn on their pack slaughtering each member, by doing so, with each kill the twins absorbed their powers making them stronger, faster, smarter" I rambled, "Duke doesn't just want to kill Erica and Boyd, he wants Derek to kill all three"

Just as Peter went to ask a question Derek's phone went off.

Derek walked off in a hurry grabbing his keys.

"So, how do you know Derek?" Isaac asked

A small sad smile made it's way to my lips, "He saved my life" I answered

"How do you mean?" It was Peter who asked this time

I let out a deep breath, "When I was born my mother was murdered..." I paused looking to Peter then to Isaac, "By my father. My monster of a father dropped me off at a foster care agency where I was passed around, home-to-home every few months never settling down in the one place. One day this really nice family took me in the were loving and caring up until my first shift. I didn't even know what I was, but they did, the family that took me in were a family of hunters" I said holding back the tears.

"For 15 god-damn years, I was—they would torture me; electrocution, drowning, burning, beating me black 'n' blue, cut chunks of my sink out, breaking every bone in my body at least 10 times over, they did tests on me. They would draw blood, trying to find what made a werewolf able to heal so fast, the enhanced senses everything that makes a werewolf, a werewolf basically. They would cut me open using rust old blades, hold my flesh apart so I couldn't heal, they ran all the test they think of"

I bite down on my lip, hard enough to draw blood, "One of the men, they wanted more. More werewolf's to test on, they wanted to know if you mixed a human with a werewolf, what would you get a human or werewolf? He—he" I tried choking back my tears but failed and turned into a small sob.

"H-he tied my up with wolfsbane laced chain's and a rag dipped in wolfsbane covering my mouth burning my skin, I screamed, I cried, I begged to be let go. For him to just kill me" I muttered

I looked at the floor ashamed, "He laughed in my face, his evil laugh still haunts me, he raped me. It was his attempt to get me pregnant, to have more experiments, when it didn't work he would just rape he for the sake of it. For me to beg for them to kill me because that was the only thing I wanted, to die"

Peter punched the wall leaving a dent before stopping out of the loft slamming the door.

I looked at were he just left, thinking he thought I was disgusting, damaged, and a freak, all this I once thought about myself.

"School was the only time they would let me go. School became like heaven, it was the only time I ever felt safe. The day I graduated was the day I wanted to kill myself, I tried and failed. When I was 21 Derek saved me, he came across the hunters and killed them out of anger for what had happened to his family when he was leaving he heard my screams and sobs for help. He broke me out, he saved my life. We were on the run together for a month, three times he caught me trying to kill myself, each time he would be there for me, take care of me

"He was four years younger, but acted like an older brother, he saved my life over and over again. Truthfully, Derek is my family, he's the only person I've ever been able to rely on, the only person that's ever cared" I finished

Isaac looked at me, "You have us now, all of us"

I love Isaac so much hes like the puppy of the pack, hes so innocent. 

What's your favourite episode of Teen Wolf? And Who's your favourite character?

Personally, I love Season 3 Episode 2. My favourite character's are Peter, Derek and Stiles. 

XXX-Abbie Jade

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