Chapter 10

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Satan in a V-neck" I stated walking into the Beacon Hills coffee shop

Peter turned around with a smug smirk, "Stalking me much"

I scoffed, "Please, I come here every day. Are you sure you're not the one stalking me?" asking with a smirk of my own.

"Seeing as were both here why don't we sit and eat together" Peter said with a small hopeful smile but was quickly replaced with a smirk once I agreed.

"Okay, Hale" Once we were seated in a both in the far corner I slyly asked, "Are you sure this isn't your weird way of asking me on a date"

Peter looked up from the menu with a smirk not answering the question.

"Hello, how can I help you" a waitressed asked placing a hand on Peter's bicep while seductively batting her eyelashes at him

He ignored her flirty attempts replying, "I'll grab the steak, well done, with a tall black. What would you like darling?" Peter asked me

"I'll have the fish and chips with a coke, thanks" I told the waitress

The waitress looked at me up and down rolling her eyes, screwing her nose up in disgust, walking away.

I looked at Peter, "Ten bucks says she's going to spit in my drink"

Peter laughed lightly, "Now, why would she do that?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe cause she kind of hates me because you didn't give her any attention when she was practically begging for it" I told him with a small laugh

The waitress seductively walked over to us, she had clearly just gone and touched up her make-up, hair, pulled her skirt up so if she bent over you would see her ass as well as undid the first few buttons on her shirt to show more cleavage.

"Here's your drinks" she said as she sat my drink down, then leaning over more than necessary so she was giving full view of the cleavage placing Peter's down lingering there a few seconds.

Once standing up straight she flipped her hair to one side, "The names Indiana my friends call me wild because I always deliver on a wild night" she said seductively bitting her lip, "Here's my number. I'm available whenever you need"

Peter pushed the number away rolling his eyes, "I don't want it"

"Sweetheart let me give you a piece of advice," I started making sure she was looking at me, "Before you try to flirt with a guy, like you just were. Go find some dignity and self-respect, like seriously that was tragically desperate, cringe worth really." I told her

I felt a stinging sensation in my left cheek.

"Don't you dare touch here" Peter growled lowly at the waitress.

She looked at him a little scared then huffed, childishly walking away

"No need for the physicality sweetheart. I was just stating the facts" I said raising my voice, so she could still here.

Peter looked at me, "Are you okay?"

I smirked, "I takes more then just some attitude and a pathetic slap to take me down"

Peter smirked back at me taking a sip of his coffee.

"So, what's so bad about you, Hale number two?" I asked

He raised his eyebrow with a sly smirk, "Whatever would you mean. And number two, come on, we both know I'm the number one Hale"

Our food was placed on the table by the nice old lady, Sonya, she smiled at us, "It's so nice to see a beautiful young couple come in here for a date" she turned to Peter, "I suggest you keep Venessa around, she's a natural stunner and a lovely personality"

"Thank you Sonya. Have you had a good day?" I asked politely

She smiled at me, "It always good to see you bright young face dear. It's even nicer to see you with a handsome gentleman" she said then returned to her work

"You know exactly what I mean. Why is every so... on edge with you? Why does no body trust you?" I asked Peter interested

He looked at me, "Come on, we both know that little Isaac has already told you about me, about my past"

"Your right. He has" I told him nodding, "But, I don't want to here it from him I want to hear it from the pup, I want to hear it from you"

Tilting his head, a ghost of a smile made it's way to his lips, "Why so you can treat me like the monster I am along with the rest of them"

"You're not a monster" I told him, "I don't see you as a monster and I'm not going to treat you any differently. I want you to tell me the truth of what you did and why you did it. I don't care what the others say because I make up my own mind, I don't let other people tell me what to do, what to think, who to see, or who to be friends with because it's not up to them. It's up me because this is my life"

For the next hour and half Peter and I sat chatting and laughing, enjoying each other's company. He told me what he did, why he did it and I understood it. I could understand his need for revenge, because of what happened to him and his family, even if I didn't agree with his methods I could tell he was doing what he deemed just for what Kate Argent did. For that, I wasn't going to treat him like a monster, I was going to treat him like the good guy he just showed me he could be if people gave him the chance.

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