Chapter 26

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"Peter. Peter. Peter, please just listen to me" I begged following close behind as he stormed into his apartment 

I quietly close the front door as he makes his way to our bedroom

"Peter" I repeat following him

"Go" he says keeping his voice monotoned

"No. I wont, not until you talk to me" I said standing only a foot away

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Peter snapped turning to look at me anger swirling in his eyes


"WHY?" Peter yells his voice breaking, his vulnerability showing through

"I don't know ok! I fucked up. I fucked up so, so bad Peter. I never meant to hurt you, I swear" I told him stepping closer

"Bullshit!" he roar grabbing me by the throat and pinning me up against a wall

"I never meant to hurt you Peter. It's was a mistake and I wish I could take back, but I can't. I'm sorry" 

Peter glared at me with hurt and anger written all over his features, "So am I. I'm sorry for thinking I might actually have a chance with you. I'm sorry I actually fell for someone like you, someone so broken"

"You think I'm broken" I asked quietly a hint of hurt showing in my voice

Peter's eyes flooded with guilt for a split second until he masked his emotion, "Sorry darling, I would love to keep up the fun but I have things to do, people to kill"

"Don't do that"

"Do what?" he retorted

"Hide your emotions, Peter please I don't want to lose you" I pleaded

"You should have thought of that before you stabbed me in the back and slept with my nephew" Peter snapped  before letting me go and walking to wards the front door

"Peter!" I panicked not wanting to lose him, "I love you!" I exclaimed 

Peter halted in his tracks, "but if you walk out that door I wont be here when you get back" I told him quietly 

"Goodbye Vanessa"

The End... Well at least for this book. 

Question 1: Would you guys like a book two??

Question 2: If I do a book 2 who would you rather a cross over between, The Originals or Supernatural???

Question 3: Who should Vanessa end up with? Peter?? Derek?? Maybe Dean (Spn)?? Or Kol (TO)?? Maybe even Klaus (TO)??

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