Chapter 8

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Derek, Isaac and I were waiting in the car for Scott to talk to the hunter -  Argent.

"Do you think this is gonna work?" Isaac asked

"Nope" Derek and I answered

"Me neither" Isaac replied

"So, your, uh—Your sister..." Isaac began, but got cut off with one of Derek's 'don't even think about it' looks

I chuckled as I watched him awkwardly try to rescue him self from the conversation he was going to start.

"Sorry, yeah, it's—" he cleared his throat, "It's bad timing, I'm sorry. I'll asked later. It's fine"

Derek and I gave him a look.

"Or never. Yeah, yeah, I'm good with never" Isaac said a little scared.

I laughed, "Oh, that's a beautiful reaction"

"Are gonna react like this when Peter and Vanessa get together?" Isaac asked

If I had a drink I would have spat it all over him, "What?" I choked out

"Never gonna happen" Derek replied crossing his arms

"Please, I've seen the way he looks at you. And the banter you two constantly have" Isaac stated in a 'matter-of-fact' tone

I looked at him, crossing my arms, "Maybe we always argue because we can't stand each other"

"Or because it's just built up sexual frustration" Isaac smirked, "Do you find him attractive?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, have you seen him. But, looks and personality are two different things and I go off personality" I responded

Isaac went to respond when Derek cut him off, "It worked"


"You're tracking them by print?" the hunter asked

"Trying to" Scott responded

The hunter got up, "Well, then, you've been wasting your time. There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man. And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print id Boyd's and these—"

"Are Cora's" Isaac finished

"Nope. They're yours. You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here" he replied, "Listen, I know the four of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in. They put the petal to the floor, where you three are barely hitting the speed limit" the hunter told us

"So, what do we do?" Derek asked

I rolled my eyes, "Focus on our sense of smell" I announced

"How did you know?" The hunter asked

"I don't need a hunter to tell me what I need to do. Scott wanted to call you in, not me" I told him spitting the word hunter out with venom

He ignored my comment turning back to the rest, "Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred miles a day by scent. A trained hunter can use scent to track them. If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two miles, which means we can draw them to us or into a trap" he chucked a net at Scott, "Full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared"

He chucked us a pair each which I quickly chucked back, "Thanks, but we've got our own" Derek and I showed him our red Alpha eyes

"Just remember, we're not hunting wild animals" the hunter reminded

I scoffed, "Nah, that's what hunter, like you, treat us like"

"I'm don't do that no more" he said to me then turned to the rest, "Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, how to survive"

We walked up to the top of the hill looking over all of Beacon Hill's, "When's the last time you saw your sister?"

"Nine years. I thought she died in the fire" Derek said sadly

The hunter looked at him, "Do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?"

Derek shook his head 'no'.

"Scott, how confident are you in your skills?" he asked

"Honestly, most of the time, I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell" Scott admitted

The hunter turned to me, "And what about you?"

"I can pick up a stronger scent then any of these guys" I told him

The hunter turned back to look over the town, "All right. The problem is when they breach the woods and hit the residential area. Once they're past the high school, they're right in the middle of Beacon Hills"

"They're not gonna kill everything they see, are they?" Isaac asked a little worried

"No. But there is an important difference to recognize. Wolves hunt for food. At a certain point, they get full. But Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, for some primal apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. And who knows when that need gets satiated?" The hunter told him

"We can't kill them" Scott told the hunter

Derek looked to Scott, "What if we can't catch 'em?"

"We just need to contain them" I told them, "Anyone know a good place to held them at?"

The hunter asked, "There's no one in the school at night, is there?"

"You want to trap them inside?" Derek asked

The hunter nodded, "If there's somewhere with a strong enough door, no windows or access to the outside"

"What about the boiler room?" Isaac offered, "It's just one big steel door"

"You're sure the school's empty?" The hunter asked

Scott looked to him, "It has to be. There can't be anyone there this late, right?"

XXX- Abbie Jade

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