Chapter 20

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"WHAT!" I yelled into the phone as i answered it.

Only 5 minutes before hand i was sound asleep dreaming about Bucky Barnes from the new Captain America : The Winter Soldier movie. Why have a crush on someone when you can be crushed between his thighs! Fuck hes sexy, especially that metal arm. Like hot damn! 

"Deaton's missing" Scott explain

My jaw dropped, "what?" i said sorrowfully. 

"We need to find him. He was like a father to me V, he has always been there for me when my real father wasn't . I cant lose him" Scott said sadly

My heart broken knowing what it was like not to have a father. I don't want anyone to go through what i did.

"What do you need Scott?" 

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.  Anything that might help find him. Please" Scott pleaded

"Don't worry Scott we'll find him, ok. We will find him. I promise" I told him, "I'll go for a look around town, I'll call you if i find him" I hung up the phone leaping out of bed.

 Quickly I slid into black jeans, threw on a leather jacket and put my boots on.  I grabbed my keys, sliding my phone into my jacket pocket, then rushing out Peter's front door with no time to lose. 

I jumped on my bike and revved down the road.

 Every second wasted is a second Deaton could be dying, that second could be the difference between finding him dead or alive. A second when cannot afford to lose.


I round the corner of another busy street when suddenly, I found it.

I found Deaton's scent.

I revved the bike as fast as i could following his scent all the way to the bank. The same bank Boyd and Cora were found at. 

That's it! I thought. Deaton has to be in the bank.

I pulled up at the bank to see Scott getting off his bike. 

"He's gotta be in the volt" Scott told me as i dismounted mine.

"Lets go!" I yelled as we ran inside, me following Scott inside

"There!" Scott pointed at the volt

My heart sank as i saw the lifeless looking body hanging from the ceiling.  We rushed to Deaton only to be knocked down by an invisible force.

Upon looking at the floor i noticed a ring of mountain ash surrounding Deaton, "Scott, the floor" I pointed, "What do we do?"

"We have to get him down" Scott said determined to get to the father figure.

I tried again only to be knocked down again, I laid breathlessly watching the young beta try to push through with his eyes turn Alpha red.

I knew it I thought, Scott's going to be a true Alpha.

I watched helplessly as Scott was knocked back beside me, "Scott! Let me give it a shot" the sheriff exclaimed 


The bullet pierced threw the arm cutting straight through the rope that was hanging Dr Deaton to the roof of the volt. His body fell to the floor with a thud.

I quickly got up to help the Dr only to receive a message from Isaac

Vanessa, Boyd's gone...

"Oh my god" I shakily breathed out, "Scott, I have to go, it's Boyd"

Heyy guys. 

Long time no see, aye. Sorry for the REALLY long wait.

I hope to be able to get the chapters out quicker now i have my new laptop, i'm also working on a part two which will be combining my other favourite show.

In the mean time please check out 'I'm Not Worth All This' and my other books

Love you guys for your support. Don't forget to vote  and follow.

xxx- Abbie

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