Chapter 5

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I push my self harder and faster, the only sound that can be heard is my panting as I sprint through the woods along with the occasional sound of twigs breaking. The cool air coming into contact with my hot body cooling me down as the sweet drips down my forehead.

My ringtone disrupts the calming sound of silence.

"Hey" I panted into the call

"V, we need you back at the loft, we found something" Derek's voice ordered

"Be there in 5" I replied hanging out


It was about at 5 o'clock time everyone; Derek, Scott, Stiles, Peter and I, were gathered at the loft talking tactics.

Derek and two kids, Scott and Stiles, were crowed around the table, Peter sat on the stairs leading up to where I was currently staying, while I leaned against the brick wall next to the large window that over looked the city.

"Okay. You see this?" The Stiles guy started explaining the plan, "This is how they got in. It's a rooftop air conditioning vent. Leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here" he told us while circling the point.

"One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft. Now, that space is so small, it took him about 12 hours to drill into that wall, which is stone, by the way. Then throughout the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom." Stiles told us

"Can we fit in there?" Scott asked

Stiles started explaining, "Yes, we can, but very, very barely. And they also patched the wall, obviously, so we're gonna need a drill of some kind. I'm thinking maybe a diamond bit—"

Derek cut him off by saying, "Look, forget the drill"

"Sorry?" Stiles asked

"If I go in first, how much space do I have?"

Stiles looked to Scott then back to Derek, "What do you—What do you think you're gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?"

Derek huffed crossing his arms and stood up straight, "Yes, Stiles, I'm gonna punch through the wall" he said as if talking to a 5 year old with a degrading smile

"Okay, okay, big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big, bad wolf. Yeah, look at that." Stiles said sarcastically.

Derek looked to me then to Peter, fed up with Stiles stupidity. Peter rolled his eyes then looked at me slightly shaking his head.

I rolled my eye's, "Look, kid, we're werewolf's, of course he can do it. Even Peter could do it"

Peter raised his eyebrow, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Holding up my hands in fake surrender I told him, "You said it yourself sweetheart, coming back from the dead has left your abilities somewhat impaired"

Meanwhile the rest ignored our little banter, continuing on with their own conversation.

"Okay, see this? That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid co—" Derek cut Stiles' argument by carelessly punching Stiles hand

"Ah. Ah! He could do it" Stiles said holding his hand like a baby whimpering, causing Peter to laugh and a genuine smile to creep onto his face.

I smirked as Derek looked at him, "I'll get through the wall"

Turning back to look at Scott, Peter and me he asked, "Who's following me down?"

"Don't look at me. I'm not up to fighting speed yet, and honestly, with Isaac out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself" Peter said

"So, I'm supposed to just let them die?" Derek asked horrendously

Peter looked at him as if it was obvious, "One of them is already dead"

"We don't know that" Derek said slowly

I looked at him with a sad sympathetic smile, "Der, Isaac said it himself that Erica's gone" I paused looking at the all, "But if Boyd's still alive we have to get him out of there"

"Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of Alphas. All of them, killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're gonna be missed" Peter told us, saying the last part without a care

"Of course, because you're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you" I said pissed

Peter looked at me, "I think I would just cut the wire"

I scoffed, "Always a way out with guys like out, isn't there"

"Could someone kill him again, please?" Stiles interrupted

Peter glared at the kid, "I will" I volunteered carelessly

Derek smirked, "Not yet, we need him to fight the rival pack, but afterwards..." he shrugged instigating I could kill him after.

"Derek, seriously? Not worth the risk" Peter said crossing his arms

Derek looked up at Scott, "What about you?"

"Yeah, if you want me to come—" Stiles started clearly thinking Derek meant him

"Not you" Derek announced annoyed by his stupidity

"Scott" Stiles announced awkwardly, I let out a light chuckle

Scott looked at him, "Vanessa's right. I don't know about Erica. But if Boyd's still alive, we have to do something" he looked to Peter then to me, "We have to try"

"But?" Derek asked

"Who's the other girl?" Scott asked the question we all want the answer to, "The one locked in there with Boyd?"

I walked forward, "We'll find out when we get there"

"You're not coming" Derek told me

"Excuse me?" I asked taken aback

He smirked lightly, "You stay here with these two. Make sure they don't kill each other"

"I don't do... babysitting" I said pointing at Stiles and Peter

"I'll pay you" he joked

I gave him a deadpan look, "Funny" I said sarcastically, "Not like I'm already living off for your money or anything, Derek"

"Stay here. Stay safe" Derek told me

I smirked, "You know, I'm 4 four years older than you"

Any one notice the Avengers reference, he he.

I loved Avengers Endgame, it was so good. Thanos is dead FINALLY.

Q: Who's your favourite Marvel character

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Q: Who's your favourite Marvel character

My Ans: Loki, Bucky, Sam, Cap, Tony, Pietro

XXX- Abbie Jade

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