Chapter 13

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Once we finished our dinner I turned to Peter, "Hey... Do you mind if I grab a shower?"

"No of course not, here I'll show you where it is" he replied

He led me back to his room, to the ensuite, "I'll grab you a towel and some clothes that I'll leave on the cupboard, okay"

"Thanks" I said with a small smile closing the ensuite door behind me and turning on the warm water.


Opening the ensuite door, I saw the towel on the cupboard, wrapping it around my body and drying myself down.

Once I was dry I slipped my underwear and bra back on along with one of Peter's black V-necks that he left out for me, seeing as it came down mid-thigh I didn't worry about my jeans as Peter's shirt was practically a dress on me and it would just look stupid together.

After throwing my hair up in a messy bun and making sure I looked some-what presentable I went back out to see Peter washing the dishes.

Hearing my footsteps, Peter turned, looking me up and down practically drinking me up, his eyes turning to lust filled bright blue werewolf ones.

I put my head down blushing and walking closer.

"Well don't you look ravishing in my clothing, almost perfect" he remarked

Letting out a scoff I looked up at him with one eyebrow raised, "Almost?"

He took a few slow taunting steps closer, like a predator closing in on their prey.

Stepping closer so there was only millimeters between us he leaned incredibly closer. His lips next to my ear, his hot breath sending tingles through my body as his husky lust filled voice said, "You would look perfect without anything on at all"

His words left me speechless, a pit forming in the bottom of my stomach, my heart racing.

Soft kisses were placed along my neck and collarbone, stopping to suck on my sweet stop, I let out a soft moan leaning my head back giving him more access.

A deep chuckle pulled me out of my trance, "Your heart his beating unusually fast their, sweetheart" he announce pulling away to look into my eyes.

My eye flickered down to his lips then back to his eyes, "Shut up" I said wrapping my hand around his neck pulling him down smashing my lips against his.

*A/N: They have sex. Just couldn't be bothered writing it, sorry not sorry*

Lying side by side, our breathing raged almost panting, I roll onto my side facing him seeing his neck I smirk.

He looked at me furrowing his eyebrows, "What?"

Nodding to his neck, now covered in hickeys, I said, "That's gonna take longer to heal because it came from me, an Alpha"

"If my neck is bad I wonder what my back looks like" he smirked

Pecking his lips, I started getting up saying, "Perks of being an Alpha"

In a flash he had me pinned down back on the bed with my hand above my head, "You may be an Alpha, but in bed I'm the dominate, your Alpha" he said with a low growl making me giggle.

"Yes, Alpha" I giggled emphasizing Alpha.

With another low lust filled growl he roughly kissed then got up heading to the ensuite.

I put on another one of Peter's shirts walking down to get some water when I heard my phone ring.


"Hello, Vanessa?" Scott's voice asked sounding broken

"The one and only" I said trying to sound positive

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save him, I'm so sorry" Scott said I could he the pain and guilt in his voice

"Scott, your scaring me what happened"

"Derek... he's gone. I'm so sorry Vanessa, I know he was like a brother to you" Scott said through the tears

A few tears escaped running down my cheek, "What do you mean he's gone"

I could hear shuffling and some chatter, "Hey, V" Stiles voice came across

"Stile's please tell me that it's not what I think has happened. Please, please tell me he's ok" I cried begging

"I'm sorry. Derek's dead" Stiles said sadly

I fell to the ground crying the phone still healed up to me hear waiting for the 'ha ha, gotcha he's ok. Just being the usual sour wolf', but it never came.

Hanging up I my cries became heavier and louder, repeatedly crying out 'no'.

A set of strong arms wrapped them self around me from my right side, pulling me into their chest.

"Darling, what happened? Baby, are you ok? Vanessa" he ask soundly worried

I looked up at him meeting his beautiful blue eyes.

"It's Derek" I let out a deep breath, "He's dead"

Sorry for the late update.

XXX- Abbie Jade

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