4. Story 28-36

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Coquettish Guy's birthday was approaching, Domineering Guy felt extremely restless. In fact, he had been feeling this way for a long time, probably his whole adolescence.

He suddenly remembered that he had hidden a bag of something he treasured deep in Straight Guy's closet, which he expected to use on Coquettish Guy's birthday.

Then, Domineering Guy looked for it stealthily. Unfortunately,

Straight Guy caught him in the action.

"Hey, boss, what are you doing?"

"Uh...I am...uh...I'm just looking for the gift that I hid for Xiao Chen, my closet is too small, so I borrow yours, yours is deep!"

Straight Guy curiously asked, "Wow, it's so big! What is it?"

"Just take it as local specialty!" said Domineering Guy.

"What?" Straight Guy doubted.

Then, Domineering Guy began to bullshit and justify himself slowly, "You know, Xiao Chen is rich. But it's meaningless giving him a gift that is not practical and it's perfect to give him local specialty to show my sincerity."

Straight Guy totally bought it and called his mom to mail a kilo of walnuts.

Coquettish Guy divided the walnuts evenly to the other two guys on his birthday, saying "It's good for your brain!"


On Coquettish Guy's birthday, all three of them drank alcohol. Domineering Guy deliberately got Straight Guy drunk by constantly mentioning class representative of literature and art, which made Straight Guy feel bitter. He drank beers one after another until he got blackout drunk and couldn't help crying.

When Domineering Guy helped him to go to bed, Straight Guy's legs were so weak that he threw up on Domineering Guy's bed.

Domineering Guy was overjoyed after frowning shortly.

"See, Xiao Chen, my bed was too dirty to sleep on," said Domineering Guy.


The next day, Straight Guy who was still hungover apologized to Domineering Guy and offered to wash his sheets.

Domineering Guy instantly pointed at Xiao Chen's sheets, saying "Please wash his as well."

Straight Guy was shocked, blaming himself to be so troublesome after drinking, "Whoops, Xiao Chen's sheets were ruined by me as well?"

Domineering Guy looked at Coquettish Guy with guilt and said to Straight Guy, "Um...well, you vomited on me and my sheets, Xiao Chen was kind enough to spare me some space in his bed, so I contaminated his sheets."

However, Coquettish Guy couldn't listen to his bullshit anymore and replied with a cold face,

"Don't believe him, I will do it myself."

"No, no, let me do that." Domineering Guy said, then he went to wash the sheets happily.

Straight Guy found Domineering Guy a nice person, because he found joy in helping others.


Domineering Guy didn't quite deliver on Coquettish Guy's birthday night, so he was worried that his beloved would judge him. As a result, he strengthened physical exercise crazily, which made Straight Guy confused.

After a short time, Domineering Guy attempted to show off his fitness achievements, but he was too shy to show Coquettish Guy, so he walked towards Straight Guy and said, "See. Can you find me anything different?"

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