C28. Story 248-256

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The Glasses-guy sighed with relief and read all the messages instantly before he read in detail and he felt his heart was shattered by these messages.

He never met such a guy before.

The Glasses-guy felt his heart was aching, but he smiled afterwards, as a relief, as a compromise. For a long time, he gave carefully and cautiously because he was afraid that the trust he gave out was no match for the love he received. But Zhou Yang was really a blank and straightforward person. The Glasses-guy felt all his carefulness and cautiousness were ridiculous in front of Straight Guy.

The Glasses-guy felt that he seldom received any sincere love, so when he gave, he was really worrying and he demanded the same return and even much more.

Zhou Yang, however, by nature did not know what return was and he only knew that he should be 100% kind to others.

For the Glasses-guy, Zhou Yang seemed to be an unexpected gift. Before knowing him, he didn't expect too much of him; but when he got along with Straight Guy, he just wanted to own him and protect him. It was like life presented Zhou Yang as bait, he was left no other option but to give up all the calculating and cautiousness and replace them with a sincere heart for the precious gift.


Coquettish Guy sighed after reading the message from Straight Guy. Domineering Guy asked what happened before Coquettish Guy let him look at the phone. Domineering Guy came over and took a look, sighing "Little Zhou..."

Domineering Guy put his hands on Coquettish Guy's, saying "Little Zhou sees things clearly."

"I know." whispered Coquettish Guy.

His response, compared with any other loving words, made Domineering Guy even more excited. Domineering Guy suddenly felt encouraged and touched upon his fingers, saying "Little Chen, please don't fight with me in the future. I feel really sad."

Hearing this, Coquettish Guy couldn't do anything to him and he didn't want to tell Domineering Guy the things worrying him these days to avoid worrying hi, so he just held back Domineering Guy's hands and said with mixed feelings, "Zhou Ming, how come I end up being with you?"


When Domineering Guy was little, his father had some power. So driven by interest, a lot of people came to flatter him.

Little Domineering Guy could still recall the time when an uncle with a stern look came to his house with an adorable kid.

That was Uncle Ji, unlike others, he didn't bring something over-priced. Instead, he only let the kid bring a bag of snacks. Uncle Ji said it was a little gift for little Domineering Guy.

Little Domineering Guy was innocent then. Seeing a kid bringing a bag of snacks coming towards him, little Domineering Guy was very excited and said "Is the kid also for me?"

Little Coquettish Guy glared at him, pouted against him and hugged his father's neck.

Coquettish Guy's father criticized him in a low voice. Then the lovely kid unwillingly turned around and said "Hi, how are you?"

Seeing this, little Domineering Guy was very pleased. He asked Uncle Ji put down the kid so they could play. Domineering Guy's father had intended to see them out, but seeing his son's behavior, he felt embarrassed to do that.


Little Ji Chen didn't like little Domineering Guy because he had good manners and was well-educated at home while little Domineering Guy, on the other hand, behaved like a rowdy child.

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