C29. Story 257-265

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After Straight Guy woke up in the morning, he sleepily found his phone, recalling the messages upperclassman sent him last night. He once again fell into melancholy and went back to his bed.

Just as he was recalling his yet another failing love, his mum pulled him up. Straight Guy became even sadder, "Mum, I just experienced a breakup. Can you let me sleep well?"

Hearing this, his mum instantly frowned, saying "What's the big deal? Breakup does not mean that you cannot help your mum buy soy sauce. Just go and get it for me."

Straight Guy had no way but to put on his clothes and went out.

At the entrance of his community, he saw the familiar car before he went into the supermarket for soy sauce.

Straight Guy stared at the car while the Glasses-guy looked at Straight Guy sitting in the car. Both of them didn't realize how long they were staring at each other until a traffic cop came and wrote a parking ticket for Glasses-guy.

Straight Guy rubbed his eyes and ran into the supermarket near the community.


Seeing Straight Guy running away, the Glasses-guy wanted to catch him, but the traffic cop asked him to park his car to certain places.

"Give me the ticket please and I'll pay." said the Glasses-guy, being anxious.

The cop was also an upright person. He said "It's not about money. You can't park here. It is illegal."

Hearing this, the Glasses-guy felt stuffy and whiny, so he directly gave his key to the cop, saying "Sorry, could you please park my car? I really have something urgent. I'll come to the traffic police station to find you later."

Before the cop said a word, the Glasses-guy ran away.

Watching him run away, the cop took out his phone and tweeted "Saw a weirdo at work today..."


The Glasses-guy went into the supermarket. Since it was not a big shop, he quickly saw Straight Guy at a distance, who was standing on his tiptoe and trying to get the soy sauce.

Straight Guy wore a T-shirt, the Glasses-guy saw his waist exposed because of his move. He quickly went to Straight Guy's side and said "Yangyang."

Having held a bottle of soy sauce, Straight Guy turned a deaf ear to upperclassman's words and immediately ran away.

This never happened since Straight Guy and the Glasses-guy were together. Straight Guy was either shy or innocent sometimes and on most occasions, he was sincere and warmhearted. This was the first time that he responded to Glasses-guy with silence and escape.

The Glasses-guy felt something struck his heart and he came forward to hold Straight Guy's hand, saying "Yangyang, let's talk."

"I don't want to talk." said Straight Guy in a low voice, trying to get away with his hands.

The Glasses-guy held even tighter to refuse his escape...

"Go away." said Straight Guy.

"You want to escape from me?" asked the Glasses-guy in a heartbroken voice.

"I have to go home to season my dishes with soy sauce." said Straight Guy anxiously.


After Straight Guy came back, he was at a loss. He refused to attend high school reunion when his classmate called him. Straight Guy's mum was fond of watching love shows. She didn't ask her son about his affairs because she was so familiar with the plot that she was sure his son must be dumped.

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