Story 121-131

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Domineering Guy grabbed Coquettish Guy's thin waist and started to express his longings in body language.

Coquettish Guy, "Let's sleep early tonight. This room is not soundproof."

Domineering Guy who was still indulged in hormone stared at Coquettish Guy, as if he was saying, "I don't buy it. I'm aggrieved. A blatant lie it is." He said to Coquettish Guy, "How did you know that?"

Coquettish Guy pressed his head, "Haven't you heard Zhou's singing in the next room?"

Domineering Guy calmed himself down and yeah, Straight Guy's happy and bold singing came to his ears.

Meanwhile, in the next room, when hearing Straight Guy singing a song in the bathroom, not embarrassed of being heard. The Glasses-guy secretly used the mobile phone to record it and he almost burst out laughing.


Coming out from the bathroom, Straight Guy looked pretty calm with a serious manner. If you didn't hear his unrestrained singing, you would definitely buy his serious look.

The Glasses-guy also put on his a serious face, "Zhou, you done?"

Straight Guy, "Yes. Do you mind wait till when the water vapor disappeared, it's more pleasant to use then, upperclassman."

The Glasses-guy, "Sure. I'll get the clothes and towel for now."

Straight Guy, "Ok."

Walking past Straight Guy, The Glasses-guy looked back at him and remembered something. He curved the corner of his mouth with a hint of smile and said to Straight Guy, "Zhou, I never expect you like Peppa Pig so much that you made its theme song you shower song."

Straight Guy suddenly felt awkward from head to toe.


Due to poor acoustic partition, the charming night of Domineering Guy was ruined. He thought if he could not enjoy a feast, an appetizer would do for now. Then, he proposed to sleep on the same bed.

Coquettish Guy replied, "Too crowded. Let's sleep early and stop talking. Tomorrow, we have to get up early to hike in the mountain."

Domineering Guy went back to his bed aggrievedly.

Soon after, Domineering Guy guessed Coquettish Guy was about to fall asleep. He secretly got out of the bed and set the air conditioner at the lowest temperature.

Coquettish Guy soon snuggled down beneath the quilt. Domineering Guy duly squeezed into Coquettish Guy's quilt, cuddling him. He lured his sweetheart in a soft and patient voice, "Chen, are you cold? Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Dazing with sleep, Ji Chen cuddled him and muttered something.

Domineering Guy thought to himself, "What a happy night."


After The Glasses-guy walked out from the bathroom, Straight Guy already felt so dozy. He rubbed his eyes and asked, "Upperclassman, do you want the side by the window or by the door?"

"Door, please." The Glasses-guy replied, "Oh, by the way, do you turn off the light or save a little table lamp?"

"Either." Straight Guy was so sleepy that he was nodding off. "I can sleep under all circumstances."

The Glasses-guy gave a little chuckle, "Ok, I'll turn all the light off."

The room suddenly plunged into darkness. Feeling the bed sank a little, Straight Guy came to realize that the upperclassman and he were sleeping on one bed, "Oh, yes." It occurred to Straight Guy, "Excuse me, can you pass me my mobile phone, I charged it on the outlet of your side. I forgot to unplug it."

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