Story 174-182

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Glasses-guy could hardly conceal his smile, so he tried to cover it up by feigning cough and covering his mouth with his palm.

Straight Guy literally felt that there was no such thing as a free hotpot in the world. In order to sponge on them for a free hotpot, which was clear soup even, he acted in a play which he considered rather difficult. However, he had to play along so as to make Boss and Little Chen understood by their elders.

In the eyes of Domineering's mother, she was in no position to worry about other people's children. If this aspect was set aside, she thought that the two got along well with each other. The joy in their eyes was real, so was the mutual care for each other. If one of them were a girl, she would probably ask her son to follow suit and find himself a proper girlfriend as quickly as he could.

Straight Guy's phone rang almost at the end of the meal. He answered the phone with his face full of panic. It couldn't be heard what the other side said, but he said, "Dad, please don't do this, the upperclassman and I are..." "En...It's all right. I won't go back, and you can rest assured." "I know. I also want to go home for the festival, but I can't..."

The moment Straight Guy hang up his phone, dead silence reigned this table again.

Seeing Glasses-guy held Straight Guy's hand to show comfort after the call, Domineering's mother felt bitter inside, but she took it pretty well in general. Straight Guy said with a smile on his face that was harder to watch than when he cried, "I...I'm fine, but I can't go home for the Mid-autumn Festival."

Domineering's mother felt her heart was shattering. "Good boy, don't be afraid. Please come back with to ours with Zhou Ming if you don't mind, and I'll steam crabs for you."


Straight Guy threw an SOS glance to Domineering Guy, asking in silence, "What's going on? Boss, I'll definitely go home for the festival. Is it really necessary to go this far?"


"Thanks a lot, aunt, but I want to take Yangyang back home for the festival."

The whole room plunged into dead silence.

"Although I knew you two were a gay couple, wasn't it better not to lay this knowing secret out? Since you were being so overly honest with me, how could I continue to pretend I didn't know it?" Domineering's mother thought to herself.

Coquettish Guy&Domineering Guy: Ya...n..g Yangyang...

The little Straight Guy also trembled with nervousness. Huh? Well, well, only his mom called him this when he was a kid. What upperclassman called him was so affectionate that it felt like upperclassman was whispering in his ears, which made his heart fluctuate. Glass-guy held his hand and attempted to envelop his entire hand. "Aunt, you might have known this, so I'm completely honest with you here. Will you despise us and forbid Zhou Ming to befriend us because of this?"

Domineering's mother said, "I..." If she encountered two boys walking hand in hand, she would definitely avoid them. However, when it came to the two good boys she had known a little bit, she couldn't say anything hurtful, for the world already treated them ill. And she continued, "You two...Well...You two are good boys. Of course, I don't think like that. Don't be afraid of other people's thoughts. Live your own life, and your happiness is more important than anything else."

"Well... Thanks, aunt." Straight Guy was so easily touched that he choked with sobs upon hearing her words. "Aunt, you are the most open-minded parent I've ever seen."

Domineering's mother, who was praised suddenly, became nervous and shy as well and wanted to do something to adjust the atmosphere. Thus, she scooped one spoonful of spicy soup into her son's bowl. "Eat more and talk less. Let's eat quickly."

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