Chapter 17: Revealing The Truth

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"Don't do anything stupid," Jack whispers to me.

"If any of you so much as thinks the word 'parlay,' I'll have your guts for garters," a bald pirate shouts at us and then the Interceptor explodes.

"Will!" Elizabeth screams.

I managed to break out of the hold and lunge at Barbossa while smacking him.

"You've got to stop it! Let us go!" I scream.

"Welcome Miss, I hope you don't mind. Women are only here for one reason on this ship and being dressed as you are, it seems only fair that you give us a few favors," Barbossa says then pushes me into his crew. Their hands grab at me and try pulling me below deck.

"NOOO!" I scream remembering what Beckett did to me. My own father would do this. I suppose he thinks Elizabeth is his daughter, but no woman should ever be treated like this. I was about to go under when the unthinkable happens.

"Barbossa!" Will shouts as he jumps onto the deck.

The crew stop trying to pull me below deck and I look around and see Anamaria knocked out and Jack with a knife at his throat and a black eye forming. Gibbs is the same. They probably tried helping me, but only got a beating themselves.

"Will!" Elizabeth says and tries running at him, but Barbossa pulls her into his chest. She looked disgusted.

"They go free!" Will shouts while motioning to me and Elizabeth and points his pistol at Barbossa. Will knows that I'm his daughter, so why hasn't he told him? It would save Elizabeth.

"What's in your head, boy?" Barbossa asks Will while pulling Elizabeth behind him, out of the way of the shot.

"They go free!" He shouts again.

"You've only got one shot, and we can't die," Barbossa says with a laugh.

"Don't do anything stupid," I hear Jack mutter the same thing he said to me at Will.

"You can't. I can," Will says and then points his pistol under his chin.

"Like that," Jack mutters and looks at me and mouths 'Are you okay?' I nod in reply and turn back to the conversation that Will and Barbossa are having.

"Who are you?" Barbossa asks curiously. I look at Jack in alarm and he nods in understanding at what I mean.

"No one. He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though. Eunuch," Jack says while moving the blade from his neck and walks towards Barbossa. Will just ignores my silent pleas and Jack's attempt to save his life by telling Barbossa anyway.

"My name is Will Turner. My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins."

"He's the spitting image of old Bootstrap Bill come back to haunt us," the pirate with the wooden eye agrees.

"On my word, do as I say, or I'll pull this trigger and be lost to Davy Jones' locker," Will says still with his pistol under his chin.

"Name your terms, Mr. Turner," Barbossa says.

"Elizabeth and Maria go free," Will says. But I'm telling you that he won't let Elizabeth go. Not while he thinks that she's me.

"Yes, we know that one. Anything else?" Barbossa asks.

I see that Jack points at himself.

"And the crew. The crew are not to be harmed," Will says.

"Agreed," Barbossa says and then pushes me, Elizabeth, and Jack into the mast with the others.

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